You Can Fly! Astral Projection For Kids
Have you ever wanted to fly forever? Have you ever had your eyes and imagine growing on trees? You have to fly in dreams at night are you? Did you know that you can close your eyes and have a real life, the magic, the adventure of flying? It's called astral projection. Another term for this type of trip is an "out-of-body experience."
Before explaining how to astral project, let me tell you a story. This is a story my mother told me when I was a child. When shewas about five years, had problems with his legs. He was in so much pain that when they laid her in her bed at night, he wanted to leave his body. So he did! He did not know how, but he sat outside his body, floating toward the ceiling and then fly away from here room. He said it was great fun, and felt free!
When I was a bit 'older, I wanted to learn more about their extraordinary experience. I went to the school library and I discovered that if someone leaves theirBody, is called "astral projection". Perhaps you've never heard these words before, so let me take a dictionary ... ok, I'm back! Let's take a look at the first word - "Astral". My very, happy dictionary says, means "Astral": everything is just like the stars, or has to do with the stars. For example, if you could be a grandmother, whose eyes are bright and shiney, like a star, say they have astral eyes. (I think I would have liked.) Look if you click the word "astral", is alsohas the words "a star" hidden inside. Yes, words are difficult and magical as well! It also has the words "Al-rat" in secret, but do not say, Al, and groped his rat could escape and go to Hollywood to become a movie star!
So now we know that the word "astral", but as for the "projection" word? My very, happy dictionary says that something "projection" that is protruding. Have you ever been in a movie theater and saw behind him in the dark? Have you seenthat light up, that shines on the big screen? It is a "projection" on the screen.
What we have learned so far?
All = astral has to do with the stars. Projection = something that stands out.
= Astral projection protruding toward the stars.
Yes, you have an astral projection. You can go through the roof. In fact, you can go wherever you like! You can float in space, visit the house of your friend, or you can just flyin your living room! Sounds fun and exciting, but a little 'strange?
One might ask: "How can I do this How do I Astral Project?" First, let us know who you are talking about. They have a thumb. Do you have the shoulders and a belly button. They also have feelings and thoughts. So that part is real? They are the nails, or you are in your voice that speaks words? Sometimes even adults have difficulty understanding what role they really are. The truth is that YOU AREEVERYTHING! Just like that, or anything you feel comfortable, because you see a part of everything you order you're looking for.
But it has to do with astral projection? Well, let me tell you ....... Your body is an instrument. And 'there for you to use, just like a spoon or a pencil or a hammer. If you go somewhere, or something you want to take, your body is a wonderful tool to get the job done! Just as a spoon, a pencil or a hammer, you can lay your body down when not in use.We do it every night, sleeping when we leave. In fact, immediately after going to bed is a perfect time to have an astral projection.
Did you know that your body can go to sleep, but you can stay awake? Yes, while the body sleeps, is a part of you, in your body, they can travel and explore. This part of you is your "astral body". Some people call your astral body, your "soul" or "spirit." And 'the energy in your body that makes them move andbe alive. Your astral body can do anything you can do to your imagination. You can fly, swim, walk through walls or travel faster than a racecar. It can also be invisible!
After an astral projection is like a dream, but you are awake. Just as in a dream, you can wake up whenever you want. If the majority of people, we say that astral projection is a long, long silver cord or cable that goes from your body asleep in bed, on your astral body, with theadventure. And 'in relation to your belly button! This protects you while you are exploring.
How do I get an astral projection?
Try this exercise one night, just before going to sleep:
As he lay on his back, put your hands and arms by sides. Close your eyes and relax. Well, to breathe for a few minutes. Pretty easy, right? This way you can get your body is very comfortable. Now, just to feel your breath. Try not to breathe, let your lungs fill allthe hill, like two balloons. Allow the breath to come ... and go ... quite simply, like the waves of the sea ... a. .. on and off. Very good!
Subsequently, it will be all over the body, one at a time to relax. We'll start with the feet. While lying on your back, pull your toes as hard as you can breathe in. Then as you exhale, let your feet relax completely. Your feet to be loose, it feels as if there are. Do the same with the lower legs (calves). Squeeze themDetermine how you breathe, and you can totally relax as you exhale. Do the same with the upper leg (thigh). Do the same with the bottom. After that everything below the waist, feeling that it is loose in the bed. This feels very nice and quiet! Keep squeezing, breathing and relaxation throughout the body - the abdomen, hands, arms, chest, shoulders, neck and face.
Wonderful! After you have relaxed your body from head to toe, you canfeel like you're floating in space! Your body may be very dull, as it is not even there. This feeling means that you go to sleep, your body and your astral body is free to explore.
At the beginning of this adventure is simple, but for some it may take a little 'practice. As you are there, imagine how it feels to sit. Let your body remain insensitive to bed imagine, however, sat down and looks around the room. This is very important: it is your desire to sit up, which ismake it possible!
Everyone is different, then one step after another. You can only learn how your body for the first few nights you practice relaxation. Soon you will learn how to set up in bed, and soon you'll be floating in space. Always remember that you are safe! Always wanted to break the journey and wake up in your body, all you have to do what you think, and it will happen. Enjoy your traveling at night and remember ....... How easy isYou have an astral projection depends on how you think you can!
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