Bed Time For Teens earlier offers protection against depression

Edition of the New Year's Concert journal Sleep provides us with the parents of teenagers is another reason for enforcing a reasonable bedtime. The data collected from more than 15,000 teenagers showed that parents go to bed earlier or set the clock for 10:00 during the week, the teenagers, who are less depressed and less likely to have suicidal thoughts, it was. For those of us who know that this is easier said than done, it was the good news is that young parents actually followed the rules; The good news is that adolescents tend toParents follow their rules, almost 70 percent of adolescents will report only about five minutes later put to bed on average than their parents at bedtime.

As recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (Sama), the young people a little 'more than nine hours of sleep per night, and since most schools start at 7.00 a clock 08.30, students who go to sleep before the hours are 10:00 - eventually - be the sleep deprivation.

Do not focus on theQuantity, but quality is important. For example, encourage the child to:

* Maintain a regular sleep time (including weekends, to the extent possible) Stick avoid exercising closer than 3-4 hours before bedtime
* Avoid exercising closer than five or six hours before bedtime.
* Avoid heavy meals and beverages late at night.
* Avoid napping after 15.00 clock
* Take time to relax. A relaxing activities like reading, a hot bath or listening to music,should be part of your ritual before bedtime.
* Develop good study skills. It 'hard to get a good sleep, if your child has a major project until the end.
* Learn relaxation techniques.

Winning the Battle of Bedtime is not only buffer your teen some of the emotional ups and downs of puberty, he emphasizes what he / she does, while you snooze.

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