Children's Greed

Children are an amazing bunch regardless of their up bringing but there is a particular bunch that is quite unique. Greedy children. In most cases the greed can be brought about by a number of issues that mainly manifest when the person is an adult but in other cases it is simply as a result of poor upbringing on the part of the parents. Greedy children do however have a positive side to them and the one that comes to mind instantly is that they are quite amusing and entertaining.

Greedy children will eat anything under the sun as long as it is smaller than they are and does not bite back. This makes them a good source of comedy especially at parties and other social occasions. The child will eat anything and everything within sight to the embarrassment of the parents and to the amusement of he other party goers.

The jokes however come to an end when this child approaches you with sticky fingers ready to attack you and your plate full force. At this point the humor is totally gone and is replaced by feelings of fear and dread. Greedy children are quite the interesting bunch and at the end of the day they are simply adorable whether you are friend, foe or the obstruction from the buffet table.

For such a child to be controlled is fairly easy but it will take a lot of will power on the part of the parents although playing dead at such trying times is always an option. To totally circumvent these behavioral issues it is important for the parents to teach the children good manners from the onset to avoid having to deal with greed later on in life. Children are truly a gift and every single thing they do is to be marveled at and enjoyed.

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Acid Reflux in Children - How to Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Children

Acid Reflux is common among children of varying age groups. It is the process of bringing up stomach contents into the esophagus. The food and gastric acid flow back up out of the stomach causing irritation and discomfort. The immature digestive system is one of the reasons for acid reflux in children. For children the food coming up may flow out of their mouth. As a result the child may vomit forcefully.

The more common symptoms for this disease in children include:

Pain, irritation and sudden crying during feeds in new born.
Frequent spitting up and vomiting large amounts of milk after eating.
Vomiting for more than one hour.
Inability to sleep soundly.
Poor weight loss and refusing to eat anything.
Inability to eat despite hunger.

There are a few less common symptoms which include:

Difficulty in swallowing
Sore throat
Ear infection.
Excessive salivation
Frequent wet hiccup or burp.

Unfortunately the acid reflux in children goes undetected for a long time because they don know what is happening and when to express their difficulty. To get rid of this difficulty make children eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. It is always good to have a light meal which gets easily digested. It is good to advice children not to take carbonated soft drinks. Ask them to have plenty of water after having food and whenever they feel thirsty. Children's immunity system does not withstand the pain caused by heartburn. It is good to make children take smaller bites while eating. The next thing to be taken note of is the sleeping position of children. It is advisable to keep the head in a raised position rather than lying down flat. It is not good to sleep after having heavy meal.

It is always important to consult with family physician for proper diagnosis and treatment. The doctor may prescribe several treatments based on the severity of the case. Avoiding spicy, fatty and acidic foods is needed to cope up with acid reflux in children. Generally parents go for natural remedies as it is safe and there are no side effects. The most suggested cure for acid reflux is to take care of child's emotional needs. Soothing the child and taking care of them is the first and foremost step to reduce acid reflux in children. Proper positioning and feeding techniques will also bring relief. A variety of medications are also available to treat acid reflux. Thus the combination of natural remedy, regular exercise and healthy foods can reduce the impact of acid reflux in children.

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Homemade Toys

How often have you seen this happen around the holidays? The parents have spent a small fortune on the latest, greatest toy. After a few grins and giggles, the parents take the toy out of its huge box and proceed to put it together. In the meantime, the child finds the box to be quite fascinating. By the time the toy is fully put together, the child is so engrossed in the box that he or she has no desire to play with the expensive toy.

This scenario is replayed in house after house across the country. The lesson is, children are easily entertained and homemade toys can be created from every day materials that can easily keep their attention. Here are some ideas for easy to create homemade toys.

One idea for a homemade toy is a cardboard box car. Take a large cardboard box and cut a hole in the top and cut out the bottom. Decorate it like a car, using paper plates for the wheels and steering wheel. Your child will enjoy "driving" this car around the house!

Create a hand made bubble blower out of a toilet paper roll. Wrap the roll with aluminum foil. Make the bubbles by mixing liquid dish soap with water. Dip one end of the roll in the mixture and blow gently through the other end. You should be able to easily create very large bubbles!

Create a scoop ball game out of a one-quart plastic milk jug. Cut the jug in half and save the handle side. Toss a ball back and forth and use the jug to catch the ball.

Model planes can be made out of the Styrofoam trays that meat is packaged on. Cut out a body, wings and tail shape. Use a knife to cut a slit in the body for the wings and tail. Because the Styrofoam is so light, these planes can soar for a decent distance.

A personalized homemade toy is the homemade puzzle. Have your child create a drawing or other piece of art. Glue the artwork to a piece of cardboard. After it is dry, turn the cardboard over and trace out puzzle piece shapes. Carefully cut out these shapes. Your child will have fun putting together his own artwork. Store the puzzle in a Ziploc bag.

A homemade beanbag toss game is another fun and active toy to create. Take a sturdy piece of cardboard and cut holes in it to make the targets. Be sure the holes are large enough that the beanbag will fit. Then make some beanbags. Take scraps of material and fill them with beans or pasta. Hand sew them shut. Have your child decorate the target and assign points to the holes. Then have fun tossing the beanbags at the target!

Whatever toy you decide to make, be sure to include your child in the process of making the toy. Not only will you create a fun toy, but you will also create life-long memories with your child. Using what would be trash to make a fun toy also helps to protect our environment.

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