Children's Greed

Children are an amazing bunch regardless of their up bringing but there is a particular bunch that is quite unique. Greedy children. In most cases the greed can be brought about by a number of issues that mainly manifest when the person is an adult but in other cases it is simply as a result of poor upbringing on the part of the parents. Greedy children do however have a positive side to them and the one that comes to mind instantly is that they are quite amusing and entertaining.

Greedy children will eat anything under the sun as long as it is smaller than they are and does not bite back. This makes them a good source of comedy especially at parties and other social occasions. The child will eat anything and everything within sight to the embarrassment of the parents and to the amusement of he other party goers.

The jokes however come to an end when this child approaches you with sticky fingers ready to attack you and your plate full force. At this point the humor is totally gone and is replaced by feelings of fear and dread. Greedy children are quite the interesting bunch and at the end of the day they are simply adorable whether you are friend, foe or the obstruction from the buffet table.

For such a child to be controlled is fairly easy but it will take a lot of will power on the part of the parents although playing dead at such trying times is always an option. To totally circumvent these behavioral issues it is important for the parents to teach the children good manners from the onset to avoid having to deal with greed later on in life. Children are truly a gift and every single thing they do is to be marveled at and enjoyed.

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Acid Reflux in Children - How to Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Children

Acid Reflux is common among children of varying age groups. It is the process of bringing up stomach contents into the esophagus. The food and gastric acid flow back up out of the stomach causing irritation and discomfort. The immature digestive system is one of the reasons for acid reflux in children. For children the food coming up may flow out of their mouth. As a result the child may vomit forcefully.

The more common symptoms for this disease in children include:

Pain, irritation and sudden crying during feeds in new born.
Frequent spitting up and vomiting large amounts of milk after eating.
Vomiting for more than one hour.
Inability to sleep soundly.
Poor weight loss and refusing to eat anything.
Inability to eat despite hunger.

There are a few less common symptoms which include:

Difficulty in swallowing
Sore throat
Ear infection.
Excessive salivation
Frequent wet hiccup or burp.

Unfortunately the acid reflux in children goes undetected for a long time because they don know what is happening and when to express their difficulty. To get rid of this difficulty make children eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. It is always good to have a light meal which gets easily digested. It is good to advice children not to take carbonated soft drinks. Ask them to have plenty of water after having food and whenever they feel thirsty. Children's immunity system does not withstand the pain caused by heartburn. It is good to make children take smaller bites while eating. The next thing to be taken note of is the sleeping position of children. It is advisable to keep the head in a raised position rather than lying down flat. It is not good to sleep after having heavy meal.

It is always important to consult with family physician for proper diagnosis and treatment. The doctor may prescribe several treatments based on the severity of the case. Avoiding spicy, fatty and acidic foods is needed to cope up with acid reflux in children. Generally parents go for natural remedies as it is safe and there are no side effects. The most suggested cure for acid reflux is to take care of child's emotional needs. Soothing the child and taking care of them is the first and foremost step to reduce acid reflux in children. Proper positioning and feeding techniques will also bring relief. A variety of medications are also available to treat acid reflux. Thus the combination of natural remedy, regular exercise and healthy foods can reduce the impact of acid reflux in children.

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Homemade Toys

How often have you seen this happen around the holidays? The parents have spent a small fortune on the latest, greatest toy. After a few grins and giggles, the parents take the toy out of its huge box and proceed to put it together. In the meantime, the child finds the box to be quite fascinating. By the time the toy is fully put together, the child is so engrossed in the box that he or she has no desire to play with the expensive toy.

This scenario is replayed in house after house across the country. The lesson is, children are easily entertained and homemade toys can be created from every day materials that can easily keep their attention. Here are some ideas for easy to create homemade toys.

One idea for a homemade toy is a cardboard box car. Take a large cardboard box and cut a hole in the top and cut out the bottom. Decorate it like a car, using paper plates for the wheels and steering wheel. Your child will enjoy "driving" this car around the house!

Create a hand made bubble blower out of a toilet paper roll. Wrap the roll with aluminum foil. Make the bubbles by mixing liquid dish soap with water. Dip one end of the roll in the mixture and blow gently through the other end. You should be able to easily create very large bubbles!

Create a scoop ball game out of a one-quart plastic milk jug. Cut the jug in half and save the handle side. Toss a ball back and forth and use the jug to catch the ball.

Model planes can be made out of the Styrofoam trays that meat is packaged on. Cut out a body, wings and tail shape. Use a knife to cut a slit in the body for the wings and tail. Because the Styrofoam is so light, these planes can soar for a decent distance.

A personalized homemade toy is the homemade puzzle. Have your child create a drawing or other piece of art. Glue the artwork to a piece of cardboard. After it is dry, turn the cardboard over and trace out puzzle piece shapes. Carefully cut out these shapes. Your child will have fun putting together his own artwork. Store the puzzle in a Ziploc bag.

A homemade beanbag toss game is another fun and active toy to create. Take a sturdy piece of cardboard and cut holes in it to make the targets. Be sure the holes are large enough that the beanbag will fit. Then make some beanbags. Take scraps of material and fill them with beans or pasta. Hand sew them shut. Have your child decorate the target and assign points to the holes. Then have fun tossing the beanbags at the target!

Whatever toy you decide to make, be sure to include your child in the process of making the toy. Not only will you create a fun toy, but you will also create life-long memories with your child. Using what would be trash to make a fun toy also helps to protect our environment.

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The Jobs For 17 Year Olds Available Today

There are a lot of opportunities when it comes to jobs for 17 year olds. Starting from the service industry of hotels and restaurants to the malls and small businesses dotting the city. Currently the best business establishments that offer jobs are Best Buy, Limited Too, The Disney Store, Build-a-Bear, Chick-fil-A, Wawa, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Acme, Foot Locker, Shoprite, Olive Garden, Sears, Auntie Anne's and Taco Bell.

Jobs for 17 year olds in restaurants and cafes are the best spots to earn more though. Even if you are earning minimum wage, your tips will be something to look forward to - if you provide great service.

You don't have to really look far if you love kids. Babysitting is one of the favorite and easy to do jobs around. You can also seek out organizations which are into what you're into. Like museums, if you are into the arts, you can try out becoming a tour guide. If you have an advocacy, you can try charitable institutions and offer your skills in maybe, data encoding or a gofer. The hospitals are also a venue where you can be a candy striper.

Don't forget to check your other local hang-outs like bowling alleys, pizza shops, various repair shops, libraries, the town hall, university and your favorite retailer. It really helps if you are able to focus and aim for what you want to do. The right jobs for 17 year olds will bring meaning into what you're doing and you'll have fun. Your eagerness to go to work will just continue. You might even be surprised it's payday already.

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Teen Bible Study

It's hard to be a teenager, and it's even harder to be a Christian teenager. Every day, Christians are bombarded with messages from their peers and the world around them, telling them they have to act a certain way and do certain things in order to be accepted. Unfortunately, many of these things teens are told they "must" do go directly against God's will for their lives.

The Christian teen must spend time in regular Bible study and prayer. This is the only way he/she will mature to be the man/woman God wants him/her to be. What does God desire for His people? That they be holy as He is holy (see Leviticus 11:44, 19:20, 20:7; 1 Peter 1:16). "Holy," in this case, means set apart or consecrated. The Christian must set him/herself apart from the rest of the world in order to become more like Christ. That is the goal for every Christian (see Ephesians 4:15, 22-24).

The Bible truly has answers for people in all stages and from all walks of life. It speaks both directly and indirectly to many of the issues teens face on a daily basis. Here are just a few verses that will guide any teen to some much-needed answers and a closer walk with the Lord.

Peer Pressure. Simply defined, this is the influence a teen's so-called friends have over him/her to change his/her beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors to fit in with the norm. It should not be difficult to see that these influences will be doubly harmful for the Christian teen who does not want to isolate him/herself from the rest of the world. What does the Bible say about peer pressure? Basically, don't worry about it. Look at what Paul says in Galatians 1:10. The key to remember here is that Christian teens should value God and what He says more than they value what their peers say about them. Easier said than done, right? But no one ever said the Christian life was easy!

Dating. The Christian teen is called to a higher standard of purity and holiness than his/her non-believing peers. The Bible advises Christians to only date other Christians (see 2 Corinthians 6:14). There is a very good reason for this. While it is true that a believer can influence his/her non-believing friends for the better, it is more often the case that the believer will get dragged back down into ungodly living. God created sex, but He created it to be between one man and one woman who stayed with each other for their entire lives. So many times, teen relationships do not last more than a few years, if that long. Most people do not marry their high school sweetheart. Throw sex into the mix, and Christian teens are setting themselves up for any number of physical, emotional, and spiritual difficulties (see 1 Corinthians 6:18-19

Relationships with Parents. The Bible commands children to behave in a certain way toward their parents. Most Christian teens are familiar with the verse, "Honor your father and your mother" (Exodus 20:12, ASV), but how many realize that that particular command is followed by a promise? "...that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you." This promise is repeated in both the Old and New Testaments. The teen years are often a time of rebellion as the teenager seeks to find his/her own identity in the world. This can be a tough process, and parents can certainly be trying at times because they want their teens to stay little and completely dependent on them for just a little while longer. It's hard to give up control, and it's even harder to wrestle control from someone who doesn't want to give it. The key here is to remember that God has given parents the role as guardians over their children, and because of this, they deserve the respect of their children. Christian teens who seek to honor God need to remember that, even though they may not agree with everything their parents are saying and/or doing, they still need to respect their parents. And, by doing that, they will improve-and even lengthen--their own lives.

Planning for the Future. For many teens, this may be the first time they have ever seriously considered what they will be "when they grow up." The Christian teen, of course, will be largely concerned with what is God's will for his/her life. God may not always give immediate straight answers regarding the right career path and/or life partner, etc. But the Christian believer can be sure of one thing-God does have a plan, and he will never leave his children to fend for themselves. There are many verses that speak to this fact. These include: Psalm 48:14; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 58:11; and Jeremiah 29:11.

The Bible has so much more to say to teens on many other issues. There are several teen study bibles on the market now that are easy to read, and they include many helpful insights into how teens can walk the authentic Christian walk. God is the ultimate source of all knowledge, and Christian teens would do well to seek Him in everything.

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Rhyming Games For Kids

People of all age groups are naturally inclined towards rhyming words because the harmonious quality the words behold. It is one of the most amusing ways to make kids read, write and have fun.

Rhyming words are group of two or more words with identical sounds. These words are usually used in poetry, songs and lullabies to give a melodious and entertaining feel to poems.

Some of the common rhyming words are late, hate, fate, and sit, hit, bit, lit. Hat, cat, rat, bat, fat and kind, mind, find, bind are also a group of rhyming words. Other popular rhyming words are strolls and bowls, tolls and coals, enrolls and shoals.

When it comes to kids, rhyming is the best means of learning and helping children to discover and explore alphabets, words and language. Exposing tiny tots to rhyming words help them to have better understanding of alphabets and words.

There are ample of rhyming games for kids that can aid in developing strong writing and reading skills. Following are some of the infant activities that involve the use of rhyming words to add more joy and delight to the learning sessions.

Nursery Rhymes

Bring up various nursery rhymes in a class. Encourage kids to sing these rhymes and find rhyming words from the lyrics.

Rhyme Rap

Rhyming words recited in musical style are known as rap rhyming words and the act of reciting is known as rapping. Brainstorm multitude ideas for rapping and write the first line with kids. Ask kids to suggest and write one line each of rap. For a more lively and fun filled session, you can also develop some kind of tune or music to the rap rhyming words.

The most popular rap rhyming words are tuna fish - ludicrous - doin' this, spaghetti - Serengeti - Eveready, incomplete - sink and weep - toilet seat, dictionary - pictionary - fiction's scary and lackluster - just clutter - colonel mustard.

Rhyme Round

Gather a group of kids and ask them all to sit in a circle. Take a ball and roll it one by one to each kid. Every time a ball is rolled to another kid, ask him or her to say a rhyming word. This way each kid will brainstorm a new rhyming word.

Rhyming Hunt

This rhyming game can be played indoors. Take any object from the house like a mat or chair. Ask your kid to hunt for an object whose name rhymes with the name of the object you have selected. For example, if you select chair, kids have to show their hair and if you select mat, kids show hat.


Sing harmonious rhymes and lullabies to soothe and comfort your kid. While you are singing rhymes to them, make a list of all rhyming words occurring in the particular rhyme or lullaby. Discuss the complete list of words along with their meanings and essentials.

Match the Following

On a large piece of paper make two columns. In each column draw objects or pictures that you like. Ask your kid to match two objects from each column that have names with identical sounds.

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Christmas Gift Ideas For Newborn Babies to 6 Month Olds

So you are looking for a Christmas gift for a new baby. What should you get?

From the time of birth until the age of 3 months, baby's vision is not fully developed. He or she sees blurry images images. Black and white is seen more clearly than colors so for newborns, black and white toys or bedding in black and white prints would capture the baby's attention most.

As the child gets older, colors are preferred. Older babies and kids would prefer colors. Bright colors catch their attention while pastels soothe them.

So what should you get for a baby from birth to 6 months old?

A newborn would probably be too small for clothes meant for ages 0-3 months old. For babies 6 months and below, ease the parent's burden by getting necessities.

I honestly wanted to get diapers and baby wipes for my sister's newborn baby. That was the most practical thing I could find, but honestly, it is like giving someone toilet paper for Christmas. The joy of receiving such gifts just isn't there.

A new dress wouldn't fit baby yet. Maybe at 6 months old, dresses would fit. If you choose to give baby clothes, make them cotton since at that age, babies primary concern would be comfort. Put baby in a pretty lacy dress that scratches and she'd cry or get very fretful because of discomfort.

Some better choices. More for both parents and baby include

1. Baby bath products. Get them in a gift set or get baby shampoo, baby soap or bath, baby oil and baby powder and put them in a pretty basket. You could line the basket with a baby towel or baby clothes, then put the bath products on top of it. Finish off by wrapping it in cling wrap and tying a ribbon for that pretty effect.

2. Baby toys meant for newborns to 6 months old. Be careful where these come from. Babies put things in their mouths. The last thing you might want is to have them put something covered with paint that contains lead or other toxic materials into their mouths.

3. Photo albums or photo frames. Photos store memories of baby's early years. Or better yet, get parents a new camera.

You will find more baby gift ideas amongst these baby essentials

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Christmas Gift Ideas For Newborn Babies to 6 Month Olds

So you are looking for a Christmas gift for a new baby. What should you get?

From the time of birth until the age of 3 months, baby's vision is not fully developed. He or she sees blurry images images. Black and white is seen more clearly than colors so for newborns, black and white toys or bedding in black and white prints would capture the baby's attention most.

As the child gets older, colors are preferred. Older babies and kids would prefer colors. Bright colors catch their attention while pastels soothe them.

So what should you get for a baby from birth to 6 months old?

A newborn would probably be too small for clothes meant for ages 0-3 months old. For babies 6 months and below, ease the parent's burden by getting necessities.

I honestly wanted to get diapers and baby wipes for my sister's newborn baby. That was the most practical thing I could find, but honestly, it is like giving someone toilet paper for Christmas. The joy of receiving such gifts just isn't there.

A new dress wouldn't fit baby yet. Maybe at 6 months old, dresses would fit. If you choose to give baby clothes, make them cotton since at that age, babies primary concern would be comfort. Put baby in a pretty lacy dress that scratches and she'd cry or get very fretful because of discomfort.

Some better choices. More for both parents and baby include

1. Baby bath products. Get them in a gift set or get baby shampoo, baby soap or bath, baby oil and baby powder and put them in a pretty basket. You could line the basket with a baby towel or baby clothes, then put the bath products on top of it. Finish off by wrapping it in cling wrap and tying a ribbon for that pretty effect.

2. Baby toys meant for newborns to 6 months old. Be careful where these come from. Babies put things in their mouths. The last thing you might want is to have them put something covered with paint that contains lead or other toxic materials into their mouths.

3. Photo albums or photo frames. Photos store memories of baby's early years. Or better yet, get parents a new camera.

You will find more baby gift ideas amongst these baby essentials

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How to Please My Husband in Bed

If you ever asked yourself this question: How to please my husband in bed, then you've come to the right article. Here I will share a few tips on how to make your man explode with pleasure and burst with excitement every time he thinks of you.

Most women thing that it's easy to sexually please a man, but trust me, men know the difference between good and bad sex just like we do. They too have their favorite things. Know how to please your husband and your marriage will improve as well.

Tips on how to please your husband sexually

1. Set the mood - Men need foreplay too, but for them it's more on what happens before you get into bed than what happens afterwards. Send him some sexy text-messages or emails, hint that you will have sex tonight when you talk with him over the phone, tell him how you like his body and so on. He will come home excited for sure.

2. Give him a foot massage - This is something which most women don't do and for no good reason. Men's feet are no dirtier than our own. As long as your man showers, giving him a foot massage will make him relaxed and in the mood. You will likely enjoy a reciprocal massage later on.

3. Kiss his nipples and stomach - 2 erogenous zones which most women believe that men don't care about. Well, they do. Men's nipples can be as sensitive as a woman's. His stomach is usually also sensitive. Kissing his stomach also makes him think of when you'll get a little lower on his body, which is always a good thing.

4. Suck on his fingers - This is a true pleasure for men. It not only drives them wild with physical pleasure, it gets their mind to race with excitement. This is something you should definitely do. They way to do this is slowly. Take your time.

5. Oral Sex - There's no better way to please your husband than to give him oral sex. Men adore this. Each man likes it in a slightly different way, so be attentive to his sighs and movements. But, if you really want to make your husband happy, give him great oral sex.

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Child Safety Fireplace and Wood Stove Screens

Child safety screens for your wood stove and fireplace. Child guard screens offer hearth protection for your child's safety around the hot wood burning stove. The intense hot heat
from fireplaces and wood burning stoves are no place for a child to play. Accidents happen and a child safety screen is designed to detour children from serious burns. Most child guard screens are light weight allowing them to be easily removed when tending a fire. Wood stove screens will offer protection from a child falling into the fireplace yet they are light enough that they will not harm a child if the screen should fall on them. It will scare the child more than it will hurt them. Wood stove child guard safety screen. This is the typical lightweight mesh screen designed for your child's safety.

Most of the time your child will feel the hot heat and turn away but
accidents do happen and you can never be too safe. The mesh screen is projected out a few inches from the hot stove therefore it will be much cooler than the stove. The wood stove
screen features a center brace across the top to stabilize the screen. The screen is light enough to be removed when tending your wood burning stove yet rigid enough to prevent your child from falling into the hot stove. The child safety screen will also detour flying balls and toys.

Keep your child safe. KidCo makes a child safety screen for wood stoves. This screen protects your child with vertical bars and no mesh. This screen comes with mounting hardware so it can be attached to the wall at either end. The KidCo wood stove screen comes with 5 - 24" panels that can be configured to wrap around any stove. Additional panels in 8" and 24" sizes can be ordered separately if needed. The center panel features a gate that can be opened
when tending the wood stove. This child guard screen offers the most protection for your child.

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Bed Wetting Boys? 3 Easy Tips to Stop Bedwetting Forever

Do you have bed wetting boys who can't seem to shake this frustrating habit once and for all? If you answered yes to that question, read on. In this brief article, I'll be revealing 3 simple steps that you can begin using today to fix your little boys bedwetting problem forever.

The first thing that you need to do is always remember to stay calm and supportive of your little boy. Wetting the bed can be extremely embarrassing for children and they need your love and support in order to make it through this challenging time. Always let your child know that it's OK to come to you when they have an accident, and focus on rewarding their dry nights rather than getting angry when they wake up to wet bed sheets.

Another thing that you can do is develop a consistent bedtime routine, such as the one I lay out in my book. Children love structure (whether they admit it or not), and a consistent schedule will help your little boy overcome his bedwetting problem much easier.

Last but not least, it's important to monitor your child's drinking habits. Are they taking in too many fluids late in the day or prior to bedtime? If so, make sure that you quickly nip that bad habit in the bud. Also, be sure to remind your child to "empty out" right before tucking them in for the night.

Hopefully this brief article has given you some helpful tips that you can use with your bed wetting boys. While there is much for you to learn on this topic, this should prove to be a good start.

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Finding the Right ATV Trailer For Towing Behind of Your ATV

With so many choices of tow behind ATV trailers on the market, making a decision on which one to buy can be a tough decision. This article will break down the different types of ATV trailers to help you decide the right one for your needs.

Many people use the terms trailer, wagon and cart interchangeably, but these 3 terms describe 3 different units.

A trailer has a non-steerable front end and may describe a unit with one to several axles. These units are designed to trail behind of the tow vehicle. The advantage of the trailer is the tongue is fixed in position which makes backing much easier. The trailer depends on the tow vehicles brake system in most cases and the rigid front end keeps the unit straight during braking.

A cart has a single axle and is designed to be towed or pushed like a wheelbarrow when needed. The cart depends on the tow vehicles brake system in most cases and the rigid front end keeps the unit straight during braking.

A wagon has a steerable front end which makes allows the wagon to track directly behind of the tow vehicle. However, the steerable front end makes backing a wagon very difficult. Without a braking system of it's own, a wagon can veer to the side when going downhill on steep grades.

Many people believe ATV trailers are nothing more than a lawn trailer with larger tires on it. There are some trailers on the market this description does fit and those folks who have purchased these types of trailers recognize that mistake quickly. A quality ATV trailer or cart should have several items that make it much different than a lawn trailer.

Lawn trailers and wagons are designed for slow speeds and fairly level terrain. Designed for use behind of a lawn tractor, they are not built to take the punishment behind of an ATV. Most lawn trailers have sintered or sleeve bearing that allow a film of grease to contact the axle, minimizing wear. Sleeve bearing can only handle speeds up to 9-10 mph for short periods of use. One the grease is depleted, the axle begins to wear through the sleeve very quickly. Lawn trailers normally have a solid axle rigidly mounted to the cargo box or frame. This rigid mount does not flex with the load and can result in axle failure on rough terrain.

A quality ATV trailer should have roller bearing which will allow higher speed use for an extended period of use. The axle should be mounted so the frame can flex with the axle mount to prevent axle failure in rough terrain. On some trailers, this flex is designed within the larger ATV tires at low pressure to absorb the shock.

Common use materials in the cargo beds of ATV trailers are wood, steel, and poly. Wood has the advantage of being easily replaced if lost or damaged. Steel can be painted or powder-coated and the lower the gauge number, the thicker the steel. Example, a 14 gauge steel trailer is thicker and heavier than a 16 gauge steel trailer. The poly cargo beds have come along way in the past few years. They are not as prone to cracking and breaking in cold weather as they used to be. Poly has the advantage of never rusting like steel or rotting like wood. Aluminum is used by some manufacturers, however be aware of white-corrosion issues with bare aluminum exposed to the weather and the issue of dissimilar metal corrosion. This condition exists when steel bolts are in contact with aluminum.

ATV have quickly become the workhorse vehicle for many people and have replaced the utility tractor for some of the lighter chores around the farm or ranch. Matching the trailer, wagon or cart to the size of the ATV is very important. Examine the load capacity and tongue weight specifications of your ATV before purchasing a trailer. Pick a trailer, cart or wagon design around the tasks you have in mind. Can the trailer be converted to a flat bed easily? What is the hitch height needed so the trailer sets level? How long of a trailer tongue do I need to clear a cargo rack on the ATV when making tight turns? Will you be traveling in narrow trails or areas with a lot or stumps or debris? These are all considerations you should make before purchasing.

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Tea Tree Oil Safe Treatment for Lice

Essential oils are becoming a popular method to deal with childhood head lice.The pesticide treatments commonly used contain toxins that pose serious health threats. Because the scalp has many blood vessels close to the skin, these toxic substances are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

Pesticide treatments which are commonly used to repel lice contain toxins that pose serious health threats. Because the scalp has many blood vessels close to the skin, these toxic substances are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

Harmful side effects from chemical lice treatments include nervous system damage, convulsions, seizures, nausea, vomiting, headaches, mental confusion and even death. To make matters worse, these pesticides are becoming less effective as lice are developing a resistance to them. This often leads to repeated treatments. The additional exposure adds to the potential harm.

Head lice are highly contagious and very common among children. Because certain essential oils are highly effective against lice, there is absolutely no reason to expose children to dangerous pesticide treatment.

Laboratory tests (Veal 1996) show the essential oils of aniseed, cinnamon leaf, red thyme, tea tree, peppermint, nutmeg and oregano to be effective in killing live lice and their eggs. Other essential oils used to repel lice include lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, juniper berry, bergamot, clary sage, and lemongrass.

Tea tree oil may be the best choice for several reasons. Tea tree oil was found to be 93% effective against killing adult lice and 83% effective in killing their eggs. It is generally safe and is one of the only essential oils that can be used neat (undiluted) on the skin (in small amounts.) Tea tree oil can be used on children as young as one year old. Tea tree oil is so versatile that it should be on hand in every household. Having it on hand for other uses will prevent having to search for ingredients when dealing with a lice infestation that requires prompt action.

Many of the essential oils listed above should not be used on children. It is important to check safety data before using any essential oil. Oregano oil and red thyme oil should not be used at all. All essential oils, including tea tree should only be used by children on an "as needed" basis, and must be properly diluted.

Essential oils can be used both to rid the scalp of lice when an infestation is present and as a preventative measure when there is a potential threat.

To rid the scalp of lice the essential oils must be diluted in a vegetable oil or alcohol. Vegetable oil may be the best choice for smothering lice and to soothe scalp that may be sore or itchy from infestation.

Olive oil or vodka is fine if you have it on hand. Sweet almond oil, jojoba or grape seed oil are other good choices.

4 TBS (2oz) vegetable oil (or vodka)

1 tsp castor oil (optional)

20 drops tea tree oil

Blend well. Have child sit on a chair in the bathtub. Apply mixture to scalp and hair. Use only the necessary amount to make sure entire scalp and hair is coated. Cover with plastic shower cap. Leave on for several hours. Then wash and condition hair. Comb hair thoroughly with nit comb. Then rinse hair with the following rinse.


1-quart warm water

¼ cup cider vinegar

2-5 drops tea tree oil

Shake well to disperse essential oil. Pour over clean hair. Do not rinse out. When hair dries, saturate a nit comb with tea tree oil and re-comb.


Lice can remain alive for up to 72 hours after they have left the human host. Re-infestation can occur if lice remain on pillows, bed linen, combs, clothes and towels. Completely wash all clothing and bedding. One teaspoon of tea tree oil can be added to each wash load. A few drops can be added to a washcloth and placed in the dryer with clothes and bedding. Dry on hottest setting available.


During the weeks following lice infestation use the following shampoo formula. Add 2-4 drops of tea tree oil to your normal amount of shampoo for one use. Leave shampoo in for five minutes before rinsing out. Finish with final rinse. Comb with nit comb.


To prevent lice from infesting your child's hair, especially if there is a potential threat, several precautions can be taken. The shampoo and rinse formula described above can be used for precautionary measures. Another quick method to deter potential lice infestation is to dab a few drops of tea tree oil on your fingertips and run your finger through child's hair.

Warn your child about head to head contact with other children. Advise them not to share hats, helmets, brushes and hair accessories. If they are in day care or elementary school get in a habit of checking their scalp for nits on a regular basis. Early detection will allow quicker relief with fewer side effects such as itching and scabbing.

Tea tree oil is known as a "first aid kit in a bottle". If you keep a bottle on hand for possible lice infections, you will soon discover it's many other uses and benefits.

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Why You Shouldn't Let Your Dog Sleep in Your Bed

Many dog owners find that they enjoy allowing their dog to sleep in bed with them. While this habit is one that may seem harmless, there are many important issues to consider. If you are a dog owner who shares the bed with the dog, you may find yourself rethinking this. You obviously love your pet so it is important to make sure that you are thinking about whether or not allowing the dog to sleep with you is really helping or harming the dog.

Sleep Cycles

To start with, you may be disturbing the sleep pattern of your dog without even realizing it. You may not notice it but you might toss and turn throughout the night more than your dog would like. When you toss and turn there is a good chance that you are waking your dog up, disturbing its sleep cycle. On the flip side, if you have a dog that is doing all of the tossing and turning, your sleep cycle could be the one that is disturbed. Either way, it is important for both you and your dog to have adequate sleep.

Anxiety Issues

It has also been found that allowing your dog to sleep in your bed may in fact help reinforce behavior and even some anxiety problems in the dog. But that is not where it ends; your health could also be in danger as well. By allowing your dog to sleep in bed with you, you are placing yourself in possible danger every night.


Those who suffer from allergies might find some relief when the dogs are kicked out of the bed. Your dog brings in grass, dirt and pollen from the outdoors and then jumps on your bed. This cannot only be unclean but it can be a great way to make sure that your allergies act up. To help with allergies, the bedroom should actually be completely pet-free. Also, there is a chance that your dog can bring a tick into the house. While this will happen whether or not the dog sleeps in your bed, you have a higher chance of having the tick find its way to you in the middle of the night than at any other time. This is because you are sleeping so closely together.


Training and authority can become problems to deal with when you allow the dog to sleep in your bed. Dogs are pack animals by nature. They view you as a part of the pack. When you allow the dog to sleep in your bed, the view your dog has of you changes. You are not its equal, not its leader. This could lead to aggression towards you when you try to correct your dog. You have to make sure that your dog knows who is in charge all of the time.

As you can easily see, there are many reasons to keep your dog out of the bed at night. This does not mean that you can never snuggle with your pet. It simply means that bedtime is the time for everyone and every pet to go to their own beds. Both you and your dog will benefit from such an arrangement.

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Is a Box Spring Necessary for the Mattress-Bed?

Do I need a Box Spring for my Mattress? This question comes up at least once during bed shopping for 90% of all people. And for good reason. Box Springs are a multi-million dollar, multi-million tree chopping industry. So in light of the green revolution (re-co-lu-tion?) these days, one can only wonder: is there really a reason for all the senseless killing of defenseless trees just to have an extra foot of wood, fabric, and air underneath your fully functional mattress? As it turns out, the answer is both a resounding no with a hint of yes. The real kicker here is that most modern box springs don't actually have "springs" in them, which basically leaves just the "box" part as a truth. And this is exactly what they are, a wood-framed box covered with fabric. All of the bells, whistles, and 21st century technology go into the mattress part of the bed, which, if you were a well-informed bed shopper, could take on all sorts of exotic construction from innerspring, foam, visco-elastic (memory) foam, flotation (water), or air.

Since most box springs are hard, mattresses are designed to work perfectly well on just about any firm, hard surface. The floor is one. I've slept on a mattress on the floor for a good 8 years, and I can personally vouch for the undiminished comfort of such a setup. If there is one key argument for box springs, it is that certain touted mattress manufacturers will claim that a box spring can extend the life of a mattress. This statement is true only to the extent of the box spring providing additional spring cushioning, absorbing some of the wear that is normally exhibited onto the mattress itself. These manufacturers typically provide a box spring with their mattress, one that they say is specifically designed to be used with that mattress.

Realistically, from all of the research I have done on this (and with a girlfriend that constantly debates this point with me, I've done my share of research), I have concluded that box springs only do two things well, and that is 1. increase the overall height of the bed, and 2. soften the overall firmness of the bed (given that the box spring is not extremely firm). Helping the mattress last longer is a distant, distant, and arguable third. As a person who neither cares for a tall bed, nor a soft bed, I found that platform beds are the most stylishly modern, environmentally-friendly pieces of furniture to complement my mattress. You simply don't need a box spring for your mattress/bed.

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Bed Bug Bites Are Often Mistaken

Have you ever awoken to find itchy spots on your body? Well, it is likely that you have acquired bed bug bites while you have been sleeping, these bugs feed on humans during the evening hours and produce bumps and welts.

Bed mites comes from a family of bugs that are often referred to as the Cimicidaes - these mites are blood sucking pests which prey on humans, birds and mammals. All of these bugs are known to have a reddish brown colour and the females are noticeably larger than the male bed mites. The females typically lay their eggs in crevices and cracks around walls and floorboards in homes, hospitals and overcrowded spaces. The eggs usually hatch within three to five days and the cycle will start all over again as they continue to reproduce and spread. Over the last decade the number of homes being infested with bed bugs has increased dramatically all around the world. Many figure that the bed mites have become resistant to chemical pesticides that would have been traditionally used to eradicate them. The insecticide Pyrethroid is one known treatment that has been known to not kill the bed mites.

Sometimes when people are bitten by bed bugs they do not recognize them and may even be mistaken for different skin ailments or insect bites. In most cases bed mite bites will be discovered from a swelling bite or flat welt on uncovered areas of the skin. Reactions from the insects bite range from person to person and the species of the bed bug, the surroundings of your environment and skin type may also play a large part. In some cases bed mite bites can even cause serious allergic illness. Bed bugs are attracted to physical heat, carbon dioxide from breathing and sweating while people sleep.

There are many ways to ease the signs and symptoms of the bed mites bites: 1. Apply topical corticosteroids - Creams such as Hydrocortisone is likely the best one to use. These creams will relieve the symptoms and itching associated with bed bugs. 2. Systemic Corticosteroids - These creams will reduce the itching and burning associated with the bed mite bites but will not reduce the looks of them. 3. Oral Antihistamines - Taking antihistamines will give you temporary relief from the itching online. 4. Using hot water applied to the areas can help reduce the look of them and also reduce the itching.

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Teaching Kids About the Fruit of the Spirit - Devotional For Children

"But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control;" Galatians 5: 22

Because we live close to the Rocky Mountain foothills and the altitude is so high in Calgary, we have to adapt our gardening habits. Backyard green houses are very common or garden frames. I can get a head start on my gardening if I start my plants in the house in early spring or buy young plants at the end of May.

This last March I was very impatient. I wanted spring to come and decided to help it along by starting my plants, in the house, way too early. By the end of April the dahlias were already two feet tall and my oriental lilies were already blooming on my kitchen table. When I finally set my dahlias out they blossomed beautifully all summer and even now are displaying huge saucer size colorful blooms. But my oriental lilies died off within a week leaving the green stems to remind me of my impatience.

One spring I was fascinated by the scarlet flowered beans that grow to the top of the fence. I started some on my window sill. They sprouted so quickly and their tendrils curled all over my chairs and TV trays in the dining room window. By May the snow was gone and the sun was shining brightly. When I got up in the morning it was at least 10 degrees centigrade. The bean tendrils were already three feet long and I knew I was trying my husband's patience with my inside garden.

Then and there I decided I too had had enough of these plants invading on my dinner plate so next morning out they went. I knew better. I know you're supposed to harden your plants off before you plant them outdoors but it's such a tedious procedure. First you set the plant out on the patio in the sun for a very short time and then take it in. The next day you put it out longer and every day a little longer until it gets used to the outdoor coolness and atmosphere. Then you can finally plant it. Even then you may have to cover it on cool nights and cooler days. I had lots of writing to do and decided to just plant them against the fence. For a couple of days I had beautiful green bean plants running up my poles but slowly most of them just shriveled up and slowly died.

This hard, time consuming work of tending vegetables and flowers makes me think of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We try different tactics to sprout and grow them ourselves our lives. We even have some success.

Just like my plants that did so well in my warm sunny kitchen we can display symptoms of the fruit of the Holy Spirit as long as we practice them in a controlled environment. It's easy to show love to others and be patient with people as long as everything is peaceful and we are in control. But then things start going wrong. We get super busy and run out of time. We get frustrated and go back to our old habits of blaming others for my problems.

Sometimes we try so hard and it seems no matter how many different tactics we try, no fruit appears. That reminds me of the Lily of the Valley roots I purchased and not one of them grew. Even my young Peony plant was stunted in its growth. This time I knew I wasn't too blame for failure. I had to look further and realized I had bought these roots on sale at a hardware store. They just weren't healthy roots. I promised my self to buy all of my roots and bulbs at the renowned garden centre next year.

At times we too forget the source of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We even attempt to grow these fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control relying on our own strength. Or just like my young tender plants that I set out too early and a touch of frost kills them; outside influences overcome our good inclinations.

Only the Holy Spirit can grow the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We need to be close to God, spending time with Him in prayer and reading His Word and obeying Him as He leads us. It's only yielding to Him that brings godly fruit into our lives.

Bible Truths to Share with Your Kids:

In the Bible we read about fruits of the Holy Spirit that God wants to grow in our lives. These fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Probably most kids, even you, would like to have these characteristics. We all try to live these values. But it's hard to always love, or be good or self-controlled when things aren't going our way or we are tired or some one is giving us a hard time.

Well, I have news for you. God doesn't even want you to try to be these things all by yourself in your own strength. He wants to grow these characteristics in you. He does that when you spend time with Him.

Just like you are influenced by other kids when you spend time with them and become kind of like them, you are influenced by God when you spend time with Him and become like Him.

You can spend time with God by reading the Bible and listening to what He wants to say to you. You also spend time with Him when you pray to Him or when you go to a Bible Study or Prayer time at church with your friends. The more time you spend with God the more fruit the Holy Spirit produces in your life if you let Him.

Jesus says He is like a vine to us and we are like the branches of that vine. The branches get life from the vine so we bear fruit that the vine bears. We are blessed to be chosen by the God of the universe to be in such a close relationship with Him.

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When Children Suffer Sweating While Sleeping

If your child suffers from perspiring when he or she sleeps, the first thing to do is not panic. There are many natural and environmental reasons a child might perspire while sleeping. You should also discuss the matter with your doctor before you jump to conclusions or take any advice from online sources.

In this article, however, I will discuss three common medical reasons a child might suffer from sweating while sleeping. This isn't intended to replace a visit to your child's doctor; this is just to help you be more informed.

Tuberculosis Causes Sweating While Sleeping

While any infection or fever can cause children to suffer from sleep hyperhidrosis, one of the most common causes of severe, drenching perspiration in children and adults alike is tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis most often affects the lungs and may reduce a child's overall immune system, making him or her even more susceptible to other night perspiration triggering infections.

Hyperthyroidism Causes Sweating While Sleeping

If your son or daughter's small body is creating too a high a volume of thyroid hormones, than he or she may be suffering from hyperthyroidism. In addition to night sweating, symptoms of hyperthyroidism include unexplained weight loss and distinct lethargy. As always, if you suspect that your child may be suffering from this condition, please consult with your pediatrician.

Diabetes Causes Sweating While Sleeping

While I again encourage to not jump to conclusions, if your child is suffering from a very distinct, drenching night sweat, one disease you may consider is diabetes. Sweating at night is a common symptom of someone suffering from untreated or undiagnosed diabetes.

Infections Cause Perspiring At Night

Easily the most common among causes of sweating while sleeping in children are infections. Anytime your child's body attempts to fight off an infection by raising its core temperature and creating a fever, your child will likely suffer some degree of sweating at night.

This is because at the same time that his or her immune system is raising the body's core temperature to fight off the infection, the body's hypothalamus is trying to keep the body from overheating by triggering the sweat glands to cool it. This back and forth can escalate the body's perspiration to the point of drenching night sweats.

The most common sweat-causing infections in children tend to be sinus infections, strep throat, bronchitis or pneumonia. But sometimes even a bad cold can cause sleep hyperhidrosis.

Keep in mind that a majority of sweating while sleeping cases have an innocent trigger at their origin. So do not panic at the first sign of excessive sweating during the night. But it also behooves all parents to be empowered with greater knowledge and understanding of all the conditions that could affect the health and vitality of their children.

Do not assume your child has tuberculosis or diabetes, but do not assume he or she doesn't have them either. I hope this article helps you, but always discuss these matters with a qualified medical professional before treating your child, but stay informed to stay empowered.

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Identifying Dog Worms and their Symptoms

There are 5 different types of dog worms (internal parasites), which your dog can fall prey to. These are: heartworm, hookworm, roundworm, tapeworm and whipworm. As a dog owner, I recommend that you educate yourself on these worms in order to be able to recognize the symptoms if they should become evident in your dog.

Early worm detection is important because each type of dog worm requires a different form of treatment. You should also be aware of the fact that roundworm and hookworm are zoonotic, which means that these worms can be transmitted to humans. Some worm infestations may show little to no symptoms, whereas others can demonstrate severe symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss. Some dog worms can be seen by the naked eye while some cannot, therefore it is a good idea to ask your vet to perform a stool test for dog worms once a year.

Below you can find a list of common telltale symptoms of dog worm infestation, but keep in mind that these symptoms can also be a sign of a more serious problem. Either way, always consult a veterinarian whenever your dog is not "his usual self."

Dull coat

Weight loss

Appetite loss

Pot-bellied appearance


Low energy level



ROUNDWORMS (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina)

There are two types of Roundworm: Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonine. This is the most common type of dog worm, which affects the intestines and causes a pot-bellied appearance, mostly in puppies. There are a few ways puppies can become infected. Puppies are often infected before birth through the mother's uterus or through her milk. Puppies can also contract these worms through the ingestion of an infected animal (such as a rodent) or infected soil. Roundworm eggs can live in soil for many years. Once a puppy has ingested the infected soil, the eggs will hatch in his intestines, allowing the worms to live there and grow to adulthood. These adults will then produce more eggs.

Roundworms may be found in your dog's stool or vomit. They can grow to about 7 inches in length and have a spaghetti-like appearance. If this type of infestation is not detected early and is allowed a chance to develop, a buildup of worms in the intestines can cause an obstruction which may result in death. The symptoms of a severe infestation are: pot-belly appearance, diarrhea, vomiting, dull coat and weight loss.

Puppies should be dewormed every 2 weeks between 2 and 12 weeks of age, then monthly until he is 6 months old. Once your puppy has reached 6 months of age, he is less susceptible to contracting these worms but should continue yearly exams (or more often if considered high-risk).

Because Roundworm can be transmitted to humans, it is important to promote good hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly. Transmission of this dog worm to humans is usually through infected soil, which may be in your backyard or front lawn. Because the eggs are sticky and can easily adhere to hands or clothing, make sure children (and adults) wash their hands after playing outside (especially at a park or playground), after playing with the dog and before it's time to eat.

Treatment generally involves administering oral medication (dewormer) with follow-up fecal exams and a monthly heartworm medication. Try 1-800-PetMeds - America's Pet Health Resource

Prevent your dog from contracting roundworms by cleaning up fecal matter from the backyard as often as possible. Also, administering a heartworm medication such as HeartGard - Prescription Heartworm medication for Dogs & Cats is a good preventive. Do not mix wormers and consult your vet before giving your dog any medication. And last, but not least, always remember annual exams.

HOOKWORMS (Ancylostoma caninium)

Like Roundworm, Hookworm harbors in the intestines and can also be transmitted to humans. Hookworms can affect a dog at any age. It is a small, thin worm that hooks on to the intestinal wall and sucks the blood from its victim, which cause anemia and perhaps death. Due to their sharp teeth, they also cause bleeding in the intestines. Hookworms are not visible by the naked eye, therefore should be diagnosed by a vet. As with roundworm, hookworms also live and grow to adulthood in the intestines. They can also be transmitted to pups while in the mother's uterus or through her breast milk. A dog infected with hookworm would experience bloody stool, anemia, weight loss, pale gums, diarrhea and low energy level. Skin irritation can be a sign of a severe infestation.

Hookworms can be transmitted to humans by penetration of the skin, making it is possible for people to become infected simply by walking barefoot on infected soil. Hookworms, when transmitted to humans, can cause bleeding in the intestines along with abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Treatment usually consists of oral medications (dewormer), follow-up fecal exams, intravenous therapy and, if necessary, a blood transfusion. Hookworm infestation can kill your pup before the worm is ever detected. This is why it is so important to keep up with veterinary visits and exams.

TAPEWORMS (Dipylidium caninum)

The tapeworm gets its name from its long, flat, tape-like appearance. It is yet another parasite that affects the intestines, and like the roundworm, can be seen by the naked eye. Broke pieces of this dog worm would be found in the dog's fecal matter, which give it a rice-like appearance. These pieces of worm, although broken, can be found (still moving) around the dog's anus, in his stool or in his bed. Common symptoms of severe tapeworm infestation are abdominal pain, nervousness, severe itching around the anus, vomiting and weight loss.

Transmission to dogs is often caused by the ingestion of infected fleas. Although, humans are susceptible to being infected, a dog cannot transmit the dog worm to a human directly.

Regular over-the-counter deworming medication is not effective in eliminating this type of dog worm. A prescription dewormer is administered orally or by injection (praziquantel or epsiprantel). Consult your vet. Try 1-800-PetMeds - America's Pet Health Resource

WHIPWORMS (Trichuris vulpis)

Whipworms are long, thin (whip-shaped) dog worms that live in the dog's colon and are not visible by the naked eye. They attach themselves to the intestinal walls and feed off of them which, in turn, causes intestinal bleeding. Common symptoms of whipworm infestation are anemia, weight loss, flatulence, diarrhea with blood or mucus in the stool and lack of energy.

Although whipworms are the most difficult to eliminate among the families of dog worms, there is effective treatment available.

Whipworm is most effectively treated with fenbendazole (panacur), but febantel can also be used. Prescription medications are usually more effective. The treatment lasts for up to 5 days and is repeated after 3 weeks. After this treatment is finished, consult your vet about recommending a heartworm medication (containing milbemycin oxime) as a prophylactic to future infestation. Try 1-800-PetMeds - America's Pet Health Resource

Along with administering heartworm medication regularly, here are other ways to prevent reinfection:

Remove feces from backyard every few days
Clean yard with a safe cleaning agent (which kills worms)
Have feces tested every 6 months (more often if previously infected)

HEARTWORMS (Dirofilaria immitis)

Heartworm, although highly preventable, has the potential to be fatal, if contracted and left untreated.

Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes, mostly during the warm months when mosquitoes are most active. The mosquito becomes infected from biting dogs that carry the disease. These dog worms destroy the muscle and tissue of the heart, which can cause congestive heart failure and result in death. At this advanced stage, your dog would experience the typical signs of worms, such as pot-belly, coughing, lack of energy and dull coat.

Unfortunately, there are no symptoms of this disease until it has progressed to an advanced stage. For this reason, it is important to start your dog on a heartworm preventative such as HeartGard - Prescription Heartworm medication for Dogs & Cats at 6 months of age (after the first stage deworming process is complete. Check with your vet). Prevention is the best medicine.

General guidelines for dog worm prevention

When walking your dog in a park, picking up his feces as a standard practice not only prevents soil contamination, but also prevents the spread of many other dog diseases.

Regular visits to the vet and stool testing is a great way to prevent dog worms, as well as other illnesses. Twice-yearly worm testing is recommended. Make sure your dog is tested for worms before starting a heartworm preventative.

High-risk dogs should be screened more often (check with your vet).

Flea control is important because fleas are responsible for the spread of tapeworms.

Most puppies find feces quite appetizing. Keep your dog away from feces: his own as well as others. This is the most common form of worm infestation.

When cleaning your dog's area, such as his bed or crate, spray it with a strong saltwater solution and let dry. This aids in the prevention of worms.

Before traveling with your dog to obscure destinations, consult your vet of the potential risks to your dog.

Avoid exposing your dog to stray animals, birds and dead rodents, which often harbor immature tapeworms that can mature inside your dog.

Contact your vet if your dog displays any symptoms after receiving worm medication.

This information is NOT intended to replace the advice of a veterinarian, dog trainer or pet care professional.

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5 Painting Ideas For Your Toddler's Room

If you want to start your painting project for your toddler, then you will need painting ideas to guide you in your project. Read this helpful article and you will surely get good painting ideas for your toddler's room.

1. Choose a color that your toddler loves. It should go along with his gender and his interests. Bright colors easily attract toddlers and some kiddies also like bold colors. You can ask your toddler to take part in the selection process. When you visit the paint dealer, why not take your child and let him/her choose the color of the paint that you plan to purchase.

2. Paint sheens should also be considered when painting for toddler rooms. Make sure that you buy durable and washable paint sheens. One reason why many people prefer painting a room because re-applying wallpaper is a tough job, and expensive too. If you settle with paint, you can always re-paint it when the need arises.

3. If your toddler loves well-known cartoon characters, then you can incorporate that in your painting. Choose a color that will go along with their favorite character. Painted wall borders can add a whimsical touch to your toddler's room.

4. Some toddlers love to have rooms like that of space ships and rockets. You can paint the room to look like a spaceship by carefully choosing the colors. With a little imagination and creativity, you can turn the room into an awesome and interesting place for your toddler.

5. If your toddler shares a room with an older brother or sister, you can have a neutral wall. Your toddler's side should be painted the way that is suited for him/her. Even if the room is shared, your toddler can still enjoy his little corner

Painting is not a very difficult task. By carefully looking at these great painting ideas, your toddler's room is worth remembering. Get your child involved and you will both like the results.

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52 Free Things to Do with Your Partner on Date Night

One of the things that works to keep relationships alive is spending quality time with each other. In this day of the information age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to carve out the necessary time to nurture our relationships. What with long work hours, helping kids with their homework, transporting them around to their extracurricular activities, getting dinner, cleaning up and going through the bedtime routine, what time is left?

Unless you orchestrate the time for your relationship, other less important things will crowd in and take what precious little time you do have. Pick a night that will be "date night" with your partner and make a game out of being as creative as you can be. Try to see how many things you can do without spending money.

To get you started, I've come up with some suggestions to help you for the next year. What follows are 52 ideas for how to spend creative time together without spending money. Feel free to add or modify any of the items on the list to suit your particular relationship and circumstances.


1. Take a drive to look at the Christmas decorations.

2. Play cards---perhaps strip poker.

3. Watch a movie together.

4. Go outside and have a snowball fight.

5. Get some finger paints and create your own body art with each other as your canvass.

6. Go sleigh riding.

7. Go ice skating.

8. Work out or exercise together.

9. Stage your own improvisation show.

10. Sing to each other.

11. Review or create a photo album or scrapbook of your memories together.

12. Play a board game---perhaps chess, Scrabble or Twister.

13. Go to a book store, get coffee and read for hours.


14. Work on a remodeling project together.

15. Plan and complete a yard work project together.

16. Do the spring cleaning together---room by room. When done, reward yourself by making love in the room you've cleaned.

17. Put on old clothes and mud wrestle after some drenching rain.

18. Give each other a massage.

19. Play catch---football, baseball, softball or Frisbee.

20. Go to a car dealer and test drive the car of your dreams.

21. Shoot basketball together.

22. Dance together.

23. Take a shower together and wash each other---everywhere.

24. Take a free adult education class together.

25. Go to a mall and have a contest to see which one of you can get the most free samples.

26. Go rollerblading or bike riding.


27. Build a campfire and roast marshmallows.

28. Go swimming or skinny dipping.

29. Give each other a manicure or pedicure.

30. Go somewhere crowded to people watch.

31. Go to a free outdoor event, perhaps a concert.

32. Lie on a blanket outside and watch the clouds or stars.

33. Go on a picnic.

34. Watch a fireworks display.

35. Be creative and engage in sexual role plays. Be anyone you'd like to be for the night who is also exciting for your partner.

36. Sit by the water somewhere.

37. Do a prolonged strip tease for each other.

38. Have a water balloon fight.

39. Sit outside and read poetry to each other.


40. Go for a drive together.

41. Go window shopping.

42. Incorporate food into your love making---chocolate syrup, whipped cream, fondue, strawberries---anything you and your partner enjoy.

43. Call or write to someone you haven't had contact with in a while.

44. Cook something together.

45. Spend an evening just talking with each other. Talk about the things you have done, plans you have for the future, important people in your lives or current events.

46. Take a bubble bath together.

47. Go to a free movie or museum.

48. Take a drive and find the potential in old houses and their properties.

49. Create an imaginary story together---either orally or in written form.

50. Take turns being each other's genie in a bottle by fulfilling your partner's every wish and fantasy.

51. Play in the fallen leaves.

52. Create an exciting scavenger hunt that ends in your bed.

Now you have 52 suggestions for things to do with your partner for every week of the year divided by season. Certainly you don't have to follow my suggestions. Feel free to add your own or to repeat your favorites as often as you'd like.

The main point is not to see how kinky you can get. The idea is to keep your relationship alive by making time together a priority. It is important that you find things to do as a couple that you can both enjoy. If you have vastly different interests then you can enter this with the spirit of taking turns and each agree to happily participate in the activity chosen by the one whose turn it is that week.

As long as you make a habit of making your relationship a priority and allocating time each week for rejuvenation of the feelings that attracted you in the first place, then you stand a good chance of staying together for the long haul.

Please don't let insidious boredom enter into your relationship through the back door. This is what frequently happens when we are busy placing other things ahead of our time for each other. You know what I mean---the job, the kids, our friend in crisis, etc. There will always be a competing interest for the time you've set aside for each other.

Other than natural disasters, threat of death or major crises, do not allow your time together to be invaded by any outside forces. Make sure to create opportunities for you to do things together without outside influence. With more than 50% of today's marriages ending in divorce, make this small investment in the longevity of your relationship. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. What's stopping you? Start today.

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Starting School - What Age Should Children Begin School?

"What age should my child start school?"

This is a common question that concerns many parents. It is complicated if your child's birthday happens to fall near a closing date for new school enrolments.

There are many factors to consider including: a child's gender, his or her general readiness and maturity and also family circumstances such as sibling proximity.

However as a general rule I advise parents not to rush children down the academic track. It is tempting to get children off to Pre School or school at the earliest possible age, particularly if your child is socially aware and generally a bright spark.

It is a mistake to assume that an early start in any area is a good start. The Finnish experience stands out as a beacon for parents and educators all over the world. Even though Finnish education authorities have delayed the start of school until as late as seven years there appears little or no gap between educational performances at the later end of school. In fact, in terms of dropout rates and readiness for further education those kids seem streets ahead.

Currently, in many Western countries we seem to hell-bent in shaping environments for kids from the earliest possible ages to maximise learning and child development. Nothing wrong with that per se but we must keep it in perspective and remember that kids need time, space and opportunity to be kids. That means that they shouldn't always be in an adult-structured environment or live in a childhood that is an adults' version of what a childhood should be. They need space and time to explore, climb, hide, balance, bounce, and use their imaginations. And adults don't have to do all that much to allow this to happen. Kids will climb and bounce on furniture, hide behind chairs and turn a living room into a space ship given half a chance and the television off.

It is tempting to underestimate the importance of parents' as a child's first early teacher. Pick up a parenting magazine and you will see all sorts of advertisements for early childhood classes ranging from movement through to music classes. Okay, there are some experiences a parent can't provide but I am unsure of the wisdom of cluttering child's early lives with music, ballet and tennis lesson and neglecting the chance of giving them a chance to daydream, explore and just muck around.

Children's basic needs don't change. The foundations of early social, physical and mental needs are laid in the first seven years - and it is through play that children develop most.

What has changed is the amount of time a child spends sitting rather than being active, the ever-shrinking age that stress can kick in and how some kids barely have time to be kids.

Providing opportunities for outside play and activity at home is important. One-to-one interaction with a parent is important to boost confidence, promote language development and teach problem solving and perseverance.

The best start for a child is to have the chance to grow up in a relaxed atmosphere with the time and space to explore his physical and social environment; to mix with his peers in a mixture of structured and unstructured environments and plenty of language and experiential rich one-on-one time with a trusted and caring adult. It sounds a lot like home!

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5 Places To Go Camping In California

California is a great place to go camping because of the warm temperatures and the great terrain. Many areas also feature beautiful scenery and great places for picnics, hiking, and fishing. The most popular place to camp in California is Yosemite National Park featuring more than 1,200 square miles. However, since this particular area is so popular it is wise to make your reservations well in advance.

San Bernardino, California offers great camping on Mount San Jacinto. This is a great site known for rugged terrain that is often used for rock climbing adventures. There are also plenty of trails for hiking or exploring on horseback. Many people enjoy Mount Diablo as the summit allows you to oversee a vast portion of California. This campsite features lovely cabins if you want some comforts of home while on your trip.

California is well known for allowing people to explore the Pacific Ocean. Camping at San Simeon Creek gives you the opportunity to camp with the beach only a short walk away. Many people find this to be a wonderful way to enjoy their camping trip. Benton, California offers relaxing hot springs for you to enjoy while camping. You can camp out under the stars or enjoy one of the many bed & breakfast locations.

Regardless of where you choose to camp in California, you will have many great options. You can choose from a variety of different terrains. Many people enjoy the beach as it offers a unique camping experience. Others enjoy the desert campgrounds and the country because of the hot springs and open land. Still others long to camp on the beautiful mountains of California where they are free to explore and also to enjoy the excitement of rock climbing. Make sure you find out about reservations and restrictions before you make any definite travel plans to one of these amazing camping sites.

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Is It Scabies Or Bed Bugs?

You suddenly notice you have a rash on your body and your mother tells you it could be scabies or bed bugs. This can be a horrific thing to hear but you have to stay calm and figure out which one you ultimately have so you can then deal with the problem. You rash could be a simple as dermatitis or an allergy reaction, be sure to take these conditions into account before presuming you have scabies or bedbugs.

The first step you should take if you think it is a serious skin problem, is to consult a dermatologist or family doctor for a professional evaluation. If you do not have a health care provider or health insurance you may want to seek a free health clinic where they can determine the problem and deal with it accordingly.

Many people think that scabies actually bite our skin, but the fact is that they dig into our skin to lay eggs. The scabies rash itself comes from your skin being allergic to the mites and their fecal matter under the skin. A good way to tell if you have scabies is to determine if you have clusters or pimple like rashes or burrow lines in which the mites have burrowed themselves. The burrow lines may resemble stretch mark type lines and are usually found around fingers, waist lines, armpit areas and wrists. In most cases nowadays people are turning to natural scabies treatments because of the dangers associated with the creams prescribed by doctors contain pesticides which could be potentially dangerous.

You can be infested with bed bugs from things like used furniture stores, hotels and bedding. If you have been infested with bed bugs you will notice itching and red marks on your body from where the mites have been drawing blood. Unlike scabies, bed bugs don't lay their eggs under your skin so they are not reproducing under your skin. Bed mites can still be a huge pain as they are living and reproducing in your mattress and furniture.

The good thing is that bed bugs aren't contagious like scabies are. With bed mites you need to treat the whole house or building that you reside in or they will just spread and re-infest your environment all over again.

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Attractive Themes And Ideas For Summer Camp

Whether you are planning a summer camp or planning on going to summer camp, it is a good idea to have a plan of action. As a camp coordinator, you have to plan events, activities and entertainment for the participants. There are many themes you can come up with, but to get the most participation out of a theme you have to make them sound fun and attractive. Remember that camp is about fun and enjoyment. As a camp participant you want your stay at camp to be enjoyable and something that will create memories of a lifetime.

When coming up with ideas for activities you need to know all about the facilities and their accommodations. Do you have a gym, baseball and football field, or a place to implement these types of games? Do you have hiking trails, lakes, rivers, boats, canoes, swimming, snorkeling or diving? You should have all this information available to you as to be able to fulfill a complete and full schedule for your participants.

Now that you have the information on what capabilities your facility has you can start making your plans. First you have to make the decisions on what type of activities or events you are going to do. Play games, cooking, nature hikes and exploration, mystery excursions, and so on. After you have come up with everything you are planning on doing, you then need to name your events. To name your events, you really need to be creative. You want to make the sound fun and exciting. But at the same time you do not want to over glorify the names as to lead to disappointment to the participants. You need to pick a name that will make the participants excited to participate without giving false expectations on what the program is all about.

Say if you are going to have an outdoor cooking activity, you need to come up with a unique name for it. Let's say something like, Cooking In The Wild. Now that you have your theme, how are you going to implement it? Would you make burgers on the grill? What would you call them to give it some excitement, Survivor Burgers, after the television show Survivor? It takes a lot of time, planning and creativity to make any event a success.

I have listed some ideas below that could be a theme for an event along with a suggested description of what that event might entail.

Wonders of Nature

For this event you might want to venture into insects, rodents, land formations, mosses, trees or birds. This type of event of has many options to choose from.

All Stars

For this event you would set up sporting games. Be if football, basketball, soccer, water balloons, Frisbee events and what ever other activities in the sporting them you can come up with.


This is an event that could be set up on the television series "Survivor". You can set up treasure hunts, obstacle courses or play a creative game on survival.


This event name could be for your water adventures. You could play water volley ball, canoeing, swimming competitions, diving competitions or snorkeling.

A Day In The Knight

This event could be geared to learning about knighthood. You could get out the turkey legs and maybe play some knight games.

American Idol

This event since it is so popular on television would be a great event for the participants. They could all have a singing competition and let the participants be the judges.

The Red Light Special

This event could involve the Police and Fire Departments. They are usually more than will to volunteer their time for events with children. If there are K-9's they could give a demonstration. If there is a rescue diving team they could also give a demonstration. I would try to be more original on this event as most schools already have the police and firemen come to visit them on fire and protection issues. If they have access to the survive alive house, see if it would be possible for them to bring is also.

Around The World

This event could involve learning other countries customs. Another great idea for this would be to have the participants make some ethnic foods and sample foods from different countries.

Pick Your Star

This event could involve some astrology and learn the constellations. Each participant could also pick a star that is their own, giving them a certificate of ownership.

The Sweet Tooth

This event could involve children's favorite foods. They might make cakes, cookies or candies.

So as you can see, there is a lot of time and effort that goes into the implementation of setting up Summer Camp themes. But with due diligence you will get the job accomplished and the participants will have a great time and something they will remember for a life time.

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What to Eat Before Bed

Most of you know of how to get proper nutrition throughout the day but what do you eat before bed? Common sense suggests that a balance of complex carbs and protein is adequate at this time but I am going to tell you more than that. I am going to tell you precisely what you should be eating and what macronutrients they should be coming from.

The meal you eat before bed is just as important as any of the other meals you consume. Opinions vary from eating anywhere from two hours to fifteen minutes before you go to bed, but what you decide will depend on personal preference. It is also very important that you don`t undereat at this time because doing so will cause you to wake up in the middle of the night feeling hungry, while unconsciencely eating things that you shouldn`t be.

Okay, well I know why the last meal of the day is important, but what should I eat at this last meal? You want to consume slow digesting foods such as fibrous carbs, casein protein, and even healthy fats. Cottage Cheese, natural peanut butter, and any type of vegetable is also perfect at this time. You can even consume complex carbs, just be careful not to eat to much of them.

Of course, you should avoid fattening and sugary foods, if you`re a bodybuilder you shouldn`t be eating these foods anyways. You also need to avoid caffeinated foods and beverage since caffeine keeps you from getting a good night`s rest. There have been no scientfic studies showing that eating before bed will cause weight gain, but be smart and don`t over do it.

The hardest part is keeping your food intake low at night. It gets boring late at night and sometimes you feel that eating is the only thing to do. Don`t! Keep yourself occupied and make sure you are in control of what is going on. Read a book , hop on the forums, there are endless options, just don`t eat things you shouldn`t be. Until next time, later.

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Murphy Bed Kits - How to Build a Murphy Bed Yourself

Murphy bed kits are useful more than most people realize. These products are practical alternatives for people who need to conserve space in their homes. Imagine what it is like to recycle space. Murphy beds certainly play a good role in this "recycling" process.

These beds are not sold already built. It has to be created with a hardware package and the along with other pieces. The hardware consists of extra pivots and rods and a hydraulic lift. These hardware materials are needed if you are about to build a horizontal or vertical wall bed. A vertical or horizontal wall bed has its own advantages and disadvantages. The more popular of the two is the vertical Murphy bed since it requires lesser floor space and storage. In fact a spare room or a hall-way is good enough for this. The horizontal Murphy beds, on the other hand, are best for areas with limited headroom. These areas include rooms with low ceiling such as the attic. These beds require more for floor space since the pivot point is the long side. These beds can also be stowed in a room diver or under a bar. Before you order for a hardware package, make sure you know the size of the bed. This is important since the size differs in every package.

Another important part of the Murphy bed kits is cabinetry. For most companies that sell hardware, they have cabinet plans for the bed's storage. Some are for free but those that are sold usually come in different styles that you can choose from. With your hardware, you can draw your plans and create it yourself.

Since you will be building this bed, you will need supplies. Remember not to go only for those cheap supplies and construction materials. You should never cut corners in this project. Understand that this is one of the major investments to your home. A good supplier will save you more compared to repair prices in the future should you go for cheap and low quality supplies. Cabinets also function as more than a bed holder. With these cabinets, you can also eliminate unnecessary furnishings.

Murphy bed kits will make everything easier. Aside from helping you save space, you can use it for aesthetics. This is why considering an accessory is not a bad idea. You can add tiny decorative pieces. Tables and desks can serve as dual purpose. This way you can create a working space when nobody is sleeping on the bed.

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Bed Bath and Beyond Bridal Registry

Your wedding should be perfect and with all of the places that something can go wrong all of the help that you can get is greatly appreciated. Bed Bath and Beyond Bridal Registry not only allows you to sign up so that your friends can purchase the gifts you would prefer; they have an electronic assistant in their Bridal Toolkit to help you along the way. With the great selection, ability to make returns easily and friendly service that you receive when in the store, Bed Bath and Beyond is an obvious selection for a bridal registry.

Ease of Use

Your friends and family can choose to shop online or in their local Bed Bath and Beyond store for your gifts. Products are listed with their prices, weights, shipping costs and other fees available so your guesswork. A few clicks and you are on your way to set up your account or to purchase a gift for your loved one. Keepsakes as well as necessities can be given. You can browse the site by category or by brand. The site is made for your ease of use and the stores themselves have a friendly staff available to assist you to have a fairly problem free experience as well.


The selection is so vast there are few things that might not be available. Not only do they have just about every category that you might need for your household including bedding, kitchen appliances, tableware, flatware, cutlery, bedroom furnishings, household furnishings and such; but they also have categories such as infants, children, keepsakes, window treatments, rugs, electronics, seasonal, and many more categories. Sections with suggestions for both the couple and the guests are available.


The bridal registry includes a bridal toolkit with several organizers and planning guides for the bride. These tools include a timeline, a task manager, a personal wedding site, seating arranger and guest list manager. The task lists include over 200 tasks for the 12 month engagement period. With that many things to do it is nice to have someone help you stay organized.


If you have friends and family who are going to show up at the store just days before your big event and pick up some pieces to complete your China set, they might not like what they find. These pieces are easily purchased online but the stores do not keep these pieces in stock. It can take 4 to 6 weeks for delivery for these pieces. A little preplanning can keep this from being a problem. Spending a little time getting to know the system once you sign up can be beneficial in the long run.

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Why Should Children Read And How To Get A Child To Read

Why Should Children Read?

Reading is an essential skill children must learn to be successful at school. Why? Because reading is NEEDED to learn about most other subjects. Most of their learning is done from reading, whether it is books, magazines, workbooks from the teacher or writing on the blackboard, the ability to read is a must.

After all, how can you answer maths, science or social studies questions if you can't read them? It's impossible right? Yes, the ability to read is crucial and the better a child can read the easier they will learn in school.

How To Get A Child To Read!

There are plenty of ways to encourage your children to read. Remember, they are children, so get them involved and make it fun, fun, fun. They can help you bake and read recipes, read toy coupons and pamphlets that come in the mail, read comics, labels at shopping or road signs while driving. Think of fun games you can play while shopping, driving or walking to school, it will be of great benefit to your child.

5 REASONS To Encourage Reading

1. Smarter Children: Pretty obvious really. The more they read, the more they learn - the more they learn, the more they know - the more they know, the smarter they are.

2. Reduces Stress: Wow, that's interesting! Think about it, when you're reading you sit in a quiet place, still your mind and focus on reading. Your mind slows down and you're generally calm and relaxed. This relaxed state is similar to meditating and kids will benefit in developing the habit of relaxation.

3. Develops Cognitive (mental processing) Skills: Reading develops children's imaginations and creativity. What better way to encourage your child to dream! It also encourages logical thinking and problem solving skills.

4. Enhanced Concentration & Discipline: Along with reading comprehension comes a stronger self-discipline, longer attention span, and better memory retention, all of which will serve your child well while learning at school.

5. Better Communication Skills: By witnessing the interactions between the characters in the books, as well as the contact with you during reading time, your child is gaining valuable communication skills. It's also a perfect opportunity to spend quality time together and bond with your child, many of us have fond memories of times spent reading with parents.

5 WAYS To Encourage Reading

Okay, so reading is important now how do you get your kids to read?

1. Make Books Available & Accessible: Children who become readers usually come from homes where books and other reading materials are present throughout the house. Keep plenty of books around the house and make sure they're easy to get to, don't hide them away so they can't access them whenever they want.

2. Lead By Example: Children often adopt the habits of their parents so it's a good way to encourage your child to read. If your children see you enjoy reading, they are more likely to develop the same habit.

3. Visit The Library Regularly: Take your children to the library often. Let them get excited about choosing their own books. Most libraries have story time where librarians read stories to children or they run different activities to encourage reading. Become a member of the library and participate in activities so your child looks forward to visiting the library.

4. Make Reading Fun: Children prefer to do things that are fun. Make story time enjoyable, act out stories, use different voices and read with enthusiasm. A boring reader makes for a boring story no matter how exciting the story may really be. You'll find you'll enjoy reading time too.

5. Personalized Books: Get your child a personalized book of their own. Children are amazed when they realize the story is about them. They boost self-esteem and are a great way to encourage reading. The books are fantastic keepsakes your child will treasure for a very long time.

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