Facts About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are spreading and becoming increasingly more popular in inner city areas in such places as hotels, households, motels, trains and even planes. They tend to crawl into cracks and crevices in your bags, furniture and anything made from wood or fabric. The saying "Once bitten twice shy" certainly paints a picture of a bed bug experience as it can truly be a real nightmare of a problem.

Here are some facts about bed bugs:

* Beg mites are nocturnal insects which means they dwell and feed in the night. They are a reddish brown color, lady bug sized, flat and wingless insects that draw blood from humans and animals during the evening hours.

* Bed mites reproduce really fast like any other insect. One bed bug brought into the household can quickly become a large infestation.

* Like many insects bed bugs come from eggs. They turn into nymphs after they are hatched.

* Females have been known to lay up to three hundred eggs per year and up to one thousands eggs throughout a lifetime. The eggs normally hatch after 10 days.

* Bed mites are very resilient insects, they can survive months without feeding.

* Bed mites can survive on any surface; however they prefer things like cloth, paper and wood. The females tend to lay their eggs in cracks and crevices to ensure their protection. In most cases they lay their eggs in furniture or mattresses. They are found usually in bedrooms where they are close to a human so they can easily feed during the evening.

Over the last couple of years, Public Health Units have received an increase in calls regarding bed bugs. It is possible for anyone regardless of cleanliness to become infested with bed mites. Bed mites are small biting insects that multiply quickly and spread easily. An infestation can cause anxiety and a feeling of shame. They can also cause secondary skin infections, allergic reactions and financial hardship.

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How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs - Tips On How To Kill Bed Bugs Quickly And Easily

While bed bugs are not the scourge of the earth that old wives' tales make them out to be, they are certainly unpleasant visitors to have at times and probably one of the last creatures on earth that anybody would like to share their bed with, but how do you get rid of bed bugs?

Unfortunately, simple cleaning methods will not do the trick alone. While a clean home is certainly a happy home bed bugs do not care; either way, your home and bed (or couch) is heaven to them and they are having a feast at your expense. Luckily, there are some ways to get rid of bed bugs, so you can feel more at ease in your own home and stop itching so much. After all, don't you deserve to be happy and comfortable in your humble abode? So let's learn how to kill bed bugs.

How do you get rid of bed bugs? The most tried and true method is extreme heat. If you live in the high desert, you have a greater advantage to getting rid of bugs than many others but bed bugs do not tend to last long in such a climate anyway. As a species, they cannot survive temperatures over 113 degrees Fahrenheit so extreme heat is the only reliable method of getting rid of the bed bug problem. For this reason, steam cleaning is a method that you can use on your own or hire an exterminator to do so if you can afford it. Getting rid of bed bugs is a great deal harder to do than it is to actually pick the parasites up; in order for the cleaning to be thorough everything in the affected area (preferably the entire home) must be stripped down to its barest so that the bed bugs are exposed, as they tend to hide out in small cracks and crevices. This includes caulking small spaces, removing light plates, taking the cushions off of couches and stripping down mattresses; in essence everything must be as bare as it could possibly be to prevent bed bugs from having the opportunity to hide out and escape the mass killing that is soon to befall all of their little friends.

After the steam cleaning has been done, the problem is no longer how to get rid of bed bugs but how to keep them gone; look for the marks on the sheets that indicate actual 'bed' bed bugs when you travel, and request a room change if necessary. Keep yoru luggage away from furniture so that they have less of an opportunity to hitchhike a ride back to your home, and be wary of your accommodations at all times.

From the Motel 6 to the Ritz, from your mother-in-law's house to your own home, bed bugs are a problem in all types of environments. It doesn't take a filthy mess to make a good home for bed bugs; as a matter of fact the only thing that bed bugs need to survive in this world is YOU.

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Worms in Children - How to Treat Them and Avoid Them

Thread worms are thriving everyday in the bottoms of little children and affecting their daily activities and causing sleepless nights for many families. It's not a nice experience but easily identified and treated. I am frequently finding worms a problem for our little pre-school aged non-sleepers and mum and dad are horrified. Worms are spread very easily in the community across all social backgrounds and generations. They are spread most commonly in pre-schoolers' because in my experience the only things toddlers share are germs (and love) and this age group are not always efficient at hand washing, particularly before eating.

How do we identify a child with worms?

*An infected child has an itchy bottom!! They will naturally be very irritable during the day, frustrated, uncooperative, fidgety, not be able to sit still, cannot concentrate, argumentative and angry. Often the most common reason for children trying to climb out of the cot is that they have worms.

*You might suspect someone performed a personality transplant on your little angel!

*They want to scratch their bottom and will commonly be seen taking their clothes or nappy off.

*They will walk strangely like they are trying to keep a coin safely between their buttocks and having trouble (imagine).

*They will frequently urinate and or bed wet at night.

*They will not be able to go to sleep and not be able to explain why to you, but will be crying and uncomfortable, not naughty.

What to look for

*If you suspect worms, look for a pinky/red rash about 2cm wide completely around the outside of the genital area

*If you wish to look for worms, keep the room dark, ask for your partners help, comfort the child and 'spring' a torch light onto the exposed bottom. The worms come out at night to lay eggs. This process creates the uncomfortableness and irritability. So in the night time only you will see 1.5cm long wriggling pieces of white sewing cotton, moving fast away from the light, around the anal passage. In girls the worms can crawl into the vagina and be even more irritable.

How to get rid of them

*Firstly, collect as many worms as you can see immediately and dispose of them. Your child will feel calmer after the worms have disappeared from the skin.

*If you have a daughter and you suspect they are in the vaginal area, you can very gently slightly spread open the outer labia (flaps of skin) and if you see any worms, gently roll them onto a cotton bud (q tip). Tissues and cotton balls are too large and you won't be able to see what you are doing. (personal experience) This will provide immediate relief from the irritation of the worms trying to lay eggs in this sensitive area

*Apply a thick layer of Vaseline to the anal area to provide temporary relief to the skin and catch any worms that come out again in the night.

*Wash in hot water/use the dryer/hot sun on all linen, towels and clothing worn by the child. Repeat for the whole family. The worms can live outside the body long enough to infect everyone.

*There are a variety of medications to offer your family. There are one dose liquids, orange chewable tablets and chocolate squares, please do the whole family the day you find the worms and then again 7 days later in case of re-infestation See your pharmacist for the appropriate dose and the minimum age.

*It's a good idea to keep the medication in your medicine cupboard (personal experience), it will be late at night that you discover them, the shops will be closed and no-one can sleep if anyone else has worms crawling out of their bottom!

*Please inform your pre-school/daycare centre if your child has them (even anonymously if embarrassed) so that other families can be on the look out for them and the centre's can be more proactive with hygiene and symptoms in other children. Always think about whether you would appreciate the warning if another child had worms and played with your child.

How do children get worms?

*Through their mouth.

*The worms come out at night to lay their eggs in the tissue around the anal passage, this causes the skin irritation.

*The child scratches their bottom because it's itchy.

*The eggs get under the finger nails and are spread onto everything the child touches: toys, toilets, taps, towels, pencils, chairs, etc.

*The next child/person touches the same objects and then....doesn't wash their hands before eating/ touching the face and they swallow them.

Tip The simplest form of infection control used in hospitals everyday that prevents doctors and nurses from catching all of the bugs in the hospitals is HAND WASHING. Make it a family routine that no-one eats before they have washed and thoroughly dried their hands. Encourage this at pre-school and day care as well. If we start young enough the children will think it as normal as cleaning their teeth before bed or kissing you good bye. It is up to us as parents to start and lead by example with these sensible habits.
(C) Copyright-Natalie Ebrill. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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Bed Bugs and Bed Mites Are Different

One of the differences between bedbugs and bed mites is that the bedbugs feed on the human blood whereas the bed mites feed on the dead skin or hair. Bedbugs typically reside close to the human host, mostly near the bed or areas with furniture. Most people do not feel the bite right away, but they usually develop an itch after a while. Some people are also allergic to these bugs and would develop rash as a part of the reaction to the mite itself.

On the other hand, the bed mites would survive on the dead skin tissue and would cause no harm to the human host as such. However, since these are organisms of a kind, they would excrete waste. Some people are allergic to mites or dust mites, but in real, they are allergic to the waste excreted by them. The bedbug bite would look similar to the flea bite, but those are completely different conditions. Sometimes, the body would develop an allergic reaction from the bug's saliva that carries a few toxins. However, there are loads of people who are immune to the effects of bug bites, whereas it could be a serious problem for others.

The only way to get rid of these bugs or the mites would be to keep your surroundings clean. These days, there are different kinds of vacuum cleaners available, which would have enough suction power to eliminate the mites as well as the dead skin. You could also use a steamer to sterilise your bedding. The heat would kill the mites but you would still have to do your bit to clean up their dead bodies.

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How to Kill Bed Bugs - Tips On How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Quickly And Easily

Many of us were put to sleep with the saying, 'good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite' as children, but have you ever really thought about what bed bugs were? Bed bugs are not as bad as everyone thinks they are, of course. They don't carry vicious diseases or imply uncleanliness--bed bugs can be picked up without you ever having to do anything but they are certainly a great deal harder to get rid of than they are to get. Luckily, learning how to kill bedbugs is not hard to do at all, and many of the things that you might have heard about their dogged tenacity to make your life miserable isn't true at all.

If you want to know the truth about how to eliminate bed bugs, put the mop and bucket down. Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs do not give a care in the world about the cleanliness of their surroundings. They are easily transmitted through clothing, luggage, boxes, and other vehicles from location to location and that is how they survive. Many people try the approach of just abandoning the premises for a while, in hopes that the bed bugs will be gone when they return but unfortunately they are known to live up to a year without a host to feed off of, so you might have to truly abandon your residence for that tactic to work.

A way to kill bed bugs more easily without having to move out of your home is to completely eliminate them; this can be difficult as these little creatures can hide just about anywhere, from behind the light plate on your wall to under your pillow and mattress, and seal up all cracks and crevices in the home--even the area between the wall and the molding where the floor meets the wall. Sealing up these areas decreases the likelihood of the bed bugs finding a place to lay low until the air clears--literally.

After everything has been sealed and exposed, there are a few methods you can use to get rid of bed bugs but the most practical by far is steam cleaning. Most professional exterminators will use steam cleaners to kill the bugs as they can hardly survive at temperatures above 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat kills the bugs, and after that it is just up to you to clean up the remains and make sure you don't ever have to deal with the bed bug problem ever again.

After the bugs have been killed, the problem is no longer how to kill bed bugs but how to keep them gone. If things are done right, rarely do bed bugs re-surface but it is important to always keep an eye out for them when you are traveling, even if you are staying at the Ritz-Carlton or the Waldorf-Astoria. After all, bed bugs do not discriminate and they have a tendency to travel great distances just to make the lives of human beings a tad bit more trying.

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A Guide To Tantric Massage


I guess the majority of us have heard about Tantric sex and massage. Had anyone asked me what it was exactly I would have giggled shyly and muttered something about gentle touching, feathers, massage and no orgasm. How wrong I was.

Tantric massage is basically just a massage. However it was created from the belief that if you are sexually happy and relaxed then your health will benefit. The Hindus describe Tantra as achieving personal growth through pleasurable existence. The massage itself does tend to cause orgasms, but these are described as a bonus rather than the aim.

Although Tantric massage does not involve actual penetrative sex, it does involve full on touching of the organs. For this reason you will not find it offered down your local health centre. You are far more likely to find it on offer in the many massage parlours in London and other major cities.

If you want to have a go with her or him indoors here is a pretty basic guide to Tantric massage.

Firstly, from this point on, your manhood is referred to as Lingam (wand of light - don't be thinking light sabre it's not that big!) and the lady's bits are called Yoni (sacred space or sacred temple). Let's face it those words sound much nicer than the alternatives.

If you are visiting somewhere for your massage you need to decide in advance whether you will be getting naked or not. Proper Tantric masseuse prefer you to be naked, they believe this helps the healing process all over your body. If you are shy you can choose to keep some clothes on, I am guessing you will want to cover your Lingam or your Yoni. If you are at home with the missus or the husband, get your kit off and turn the heating up.

Choose some gentle music (whale music is optional). Now banish all thoughts of kneading your lover all over until she or he begs for mercy. It's not that kind of massage. Make your lover lie on his or her back, legs apart and a cushion under the hips to raise up the Yoni/Lingam area and a cushion under the head so they can look at their genitals. Explain that although there will not be any penetrative sex this evening you will take them to previously unknown heights of sexual satisfaction. It may help to convince them if you do not print off this article and place it next to them on the bed. Choose your lubricant wisely; chocolate body sauce has no place here.

The massage itself involves every part of the body, although I guess the Yoni/Lingam area will receive more than its fair share of attention. The massaging of the body is to help prepare the receiver for the attention you will be paying their genitals.

Yoni Massage

Pour a small amount of oil on to the mound of the Yoni, just enough so it drips down the outer lips. Massage each outer lip slowly between thumb and forefinger, sliding up and down the entire length of the lip. Only ask your lover if the pressure is too much or not enough. Try to look into their eyes during the massage and ensure she can see what you are doing. Do the same for the inner lips of the Yoni. Take your time and watch your lover relax.

The jewel in the crown is the clitoris. Four times more sensitive that your Lingam so take it easy here. Begin by gently stroking it in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction and squeeze it gently between your thumb and index finger. The missus will be well and truly fired up by now but try not to allow an orgasm just yet, let the sensations build. If it becomes too much, just back off a bit and encourage her to breathe deeply. Now insert the middle finger of your right hand (I can't remember why it has to be the right one but I shouldn't think it would cause too much trouble if you need to use your left instead.) and gently feel around inside continuing to massage gently.

With your palm facing upwards and your middle finger buried in the Yoni, bend your finger back towards the palm and you should feel a spongy area just under the pubic bone. This is known as the G-spot ("that's where it is!" I hear you yell). Gently massage here, in circles, back and forth, side to side. Your lover may feel the need to pee but hopefully she should feel pleasure building slowly. At this point you may wish to insert the finger between your middle finger and your little finger. Whilst a few of your digits are employed inside, you may as well use your thumb to continue circling the clitoris. Another option is to leave your middle finger inside, continue stimulating the clitoris with your thumb and insert your little finger up her anus. I would suggest you perhaps test the waters first as anal penetration when you are not expecting it would definitely ruin the mood. Whilst all this is going on, your left hand may feel a little underused. Use it instead to continue stroking and massaging other parts of her body (her body parts not yours!). Your lover will more than likely experience a very intense orgasm and afterward will feel completely relaxed. She will generally drift off to sleep and leave you in a state of arousal with no prospect of a Lingam massage for you tonight!

Lingam Massage

Traditionally the giver, some men may find it difficult to lay back and think of England whilst his lover goes to work on his wand of light. However, I do suggest you give it a go bearing in mind the fantastic massage you gave her Yoni last night.

Get your man to lay back on the bed with a pillow under his head to enable him to see what you are doing. Put a pillow under his hips and spread his legs with his knees bent. His Lingam must be completely exposed. Begin as before by gently massaging all over his body, avoiding this area for a while. This allows him to become completely relaxed and prepared for the touching of the Lingam. Pour a small amount of oil over his shaft and testicles and begin gently massaging his testicles. Next massage the area on the pubic bone above the Lingam. Massage the area between his testicles and his anus (perineum). Moving on to the Lingam, gently grasp the base with your right hand and move up the shaft and then remove your hand, repeat with the left hand. Do this for some time, then change to grasping the Lingam at the top, slide down the shaft and remove your hand, replace with the left and repeat this process. The head of the Lingam is very sensitive and deserves special attention. Massage it in a circular motion. Don't worry if the Lingam goes soft, it will shortly perk up again. Likewise if your partner seems to be on the brink of orgasm, back off and encourage deep breathing.

Keep bringing him close to orgasm and then back off. This is not a method of torture, it helps them to control their ejaculation and therefore achieve longer and more pleasurable orgasms. Whilst continuing to massage his Lingam, you can search for his sacred spot. This is located between his testicles and his anus. It is a small indentation about the size of a pea. If you massage here and gently increase the pressure he may well feel uncomfortable at first. Applying pressure here will help him gain control of his orgasms in future. If he is nearing ejaculation you can apply pressure here and this will increase the intensity of his orgasm.

The end of the massage is signalled by either ejaculation or snoring. If he is snoring you still have some practising to do. If he has ejaculated, you have some clearing up to do.

I am still very much a beginner however I was pleased to discover that Tantric massage is not a mysterious sexual cult and is certainly not difficult to do. Anyone with an hour to spare and a bottle of strawberry flavoured body oil can do it.

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What Type of Mattress is Best For a 3 Year Old?

3-year old kids can virtually fall asleep on any surface. However, this should not mean that you will just let them sleep just about anywhere. Their comfort is still of utmost importance if you do not want them to wake up feeling cranky. The expression "waking up on the wrong side of the bed" literally applies to them.

So anyway, what exactly is the best one? There are so many options today including air mattress, innerspring mattress, memory foam mattress and latex mattress. Many parents purchase air mattresses especially those with cartoon character prints.

This is a practical choice as kids tend to outgrow their beds in no time. This is a good option for you but make sure it is also comfortable. Check some reviews and find the ones that have been labelled comfortable by consumers. Make sure the materials are also non-allergenic. PVC materials are often used for inflatable beds but these can trigger allergic reactions.

What is great about inflatable beds is that they are water proof. If you child wets on the bed, you can easily clean it. This is difficult to do with other mattresses.

Innerspring mattresses are not goof for playful kids as they tend to jump on this soft mattress. This will lead to mattress depression which will then lead to back pains. If you want to choose this bed, make sure it has less springs integrated. With more springs, the thinner springs are integrated. Less springs mean thicker springs are used which will give the mattress a desired level of firmness. A firm surface is also ideal for children as they need back support.

Memory foam is ideal for back pain. However, this may not be a good choice for kids as they are loaded with all sorts of chemical. The chemical content of this mattress may trigger allergic reactions.

The last choice, but definitely not the least is latex. This has been coined as the best mattress for kids because of its lack of chemical content. The mattress is naturally hypoallergenic. Also, the density of the mattress is just right for kids. It is not too firm and not too soft so kids can have the most relaxing sleep.

I would have to say latex mattress is a worthy investment. It has a long life so you can use it for your next children or sell it when your child outgrows the mattress. You can also purchase an adult size already and this will be your kid's mattress for many years to come.

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What Is the Most Effective Bed Bug Treatment?

There is no easy answer for this question, so what is the simplest bed bug treatment? Bed bug treatments depend on how severe the infestation is, the more severe the harder it is going to be eradicating them from your household. Many treatments and precautions can be put into place to try to control them and then totally eliminate them. The fact of the matter is though you need to be taking immediate action so they don't get worse and take over.

The first thing you should do if you think you have bed mites is to find where it is they have infested, typically bed mites will not leave marks behind like that of mosquitoes. The following methods can be put in place to make sure that you are dealing with bed mites. Look around your bedding and mattress for distinctive reddish brown spots and markings left by the bedbugs, these are fecal matter left behind by them. Also look for skin and eggs left behind in the molting process which would be found in crevices and corners. Bed mites can be light in color or they can be red in color depending on if they have been feeding.

Once you determine that you likely have a bed bug infestation you can start putting a treatment plan together to eradicate them. One of first things you should do is search around your residence for the signs of bird or bat nests which can host bed bugs and could result in how they got into your household.

You should then clean your house and remove any clutter so that you are limiting the places where bed bugs can hide and lurk. Laundering of garments, bedding and any fabrics is a must when dealing with bed mites, you should also dry them longer to be safe. It is also suggested that you steam clean anything such as carpets, rugs and furniture.

Any infested items that cannot be washed or clean in the ways suggested should be sealed away or discarded. Afterwards you should vacuum, wash flooring and seal up any crevices or cracks around the floor area. This should give you a good plan at starting to eradicate bed bugs from within your household.

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How to Build a Log Bed - Things to Consider in Building a Log Bed

It's pretty to learn how to build a log bed. Though you need to have some supplies and a simple plan beforehand to make the building process easier.

I always find this kind of bed somewhat charming and cozy so when there was a point that I had the spare logs to build one, I immediately made a trip to the hardware store and give a shot at building a log bed.

Based on my experience, there are things you need to keep in mind when building this kind of bed. At the top of my head are:


You can build a log bed around the size of your available logs or customize it to the size of your mattress or maybe even the size of your available space. That's the beauty of learning how to build a log bed, you get to customize it to the way you want it.


To build a log bed you need to get some tools in hand. There are some tools which can easily be found right in your own tool box like a chisel and saw while there are other tools which you have procure as this mainly needed for refining of wood.

Some of these tools are:

Tenon Maker

Tenon maker is to a log as pencil sharpener is to a pencil. Tenon maker comes in varying capability suited for the different sizes of logs. Sure, you can make do without a tenon maker but that require far more effort and time.

Draw Knives

Draw knives can be a straight knife which is used for stripping wood or it can be a curved knife which can be used for peeling. This tool is specifically used to peel and strip the bark of the logs and of course, it can also help shaping the log in whichever design you desire.

Bit Set

I'm talking about the bit set specifically used in cutting wood. This may be used with a hand or electric drill.


It would do well if you have a ready design beforehand. A good bed plan proved to be a tremendous help personally when I was learning how to build a log bed. After having made the decision as to the size of the bed, the plan has helped me with its step-by-step instruction with some pictures thrown in to avoid some confusion.

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Top Nicknames and Their Meanings For Baby Girls and Baby Boys

It is rather fun to look at top nicknames and their meanings for baby girls and baby boys.

We often think of nicknames as a part of our modern culture. But, in reality, nicknames go back many thousands of years. In fact, the ancient Romans were very fond of nicknames. Even their emperors were known by their nicknames.

Often, a nickname bears little resemblance to the person's first name. For instance, the nickname "Polly," comes from the name Mary. "Sandor" is the nickname for Alexander.

Also, many nicknames turn out to be so popular that they become independent names themselves. Two such examples are Gwen, which is short for Gwendolyn, and Manuel, which is a shortened form of Emmanuel.

And now, let us take a look at some unusual nicknames that you might like.

Nicknames and Their Meanings for Baby Girls

Nancy - This name comes from the name, Ann (Hebrew) meaning both "Grace," and "Mercy." The original name for Ann is "Hannah."

Daisy - This nickname comes from the name, Margaret (Greek) meaning "Pearl." The name, Margaret, was originally a Persian name meaning, "Born of the Moon-Light."

Lola - This name comes from Dolores (Spanish) meaning "Our Lady of Sorrows," in commemoration of the Virgin Mary.

Christa - Christa is the nickname for Christina (Greek) meaning "Follower of Christ."

Lily - This name comes from Lilian (Greek) meaning "A Lily."

Nicknames and Their Meanings for Baby Boys

Austin - This name comes from the name Augustus (Latin) meaning "The Exalted and Sacred One."

Wayne - Wayne comes from the name, Wainwright (Old English) meaning "Wagon-maker."

Zack - This nickname comes from Zachariah (Hebrew) meaning "Remembered by the Lord."

Kit - This name is short for "Christopher (Greek) meaning "Bearer of Christ."

Max - Max is the shortened form of Maximillian (Latin) meaning "The Greatest."

I hope you liked this brief look at some top nicknames and their meanings for baby girls and baby boys.

Names for children follow society's trends, music, books, and art. Therefore, it is almost sure that new baby names and nicknames will appear in the coming years and take the place of today's beloved names. Every baby name and nickname is a lifelong gift.

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The Coolest Halloween Costume Ideas For Two - Matching Costumes Made Easy

So this Halloween, why don't you and your friend wear matching Halloween Costumes. It's a great idea and lots of fun. Here are three of the coolest Halloween costumes ideas for two. They are creative, easy and simple. I Hope that they inspire you.

Grapes & Wine: Squash me if you don't think this is the coolest Halloween Costume for two ever. And wait till you get to the face painting, its loads of fun too.

Grapes, you'll need to pick a colour - green or purple. And then go shopping for a long-sleeved body suit, extra-thick tights, and a pair of stockings, a ski hat and a big bag of green or purple balloons. Once you're all dressed in purple, or green, have fun with the face paint. Don't go near the hair spray though. If you have a little help, you won't need to spray your hair green. Take the top of a pair of stockings and make yourself a stocking hat. Throw on your felt hat and start attaching your balloons.

Wine, get ready to be in a box. Go pick up a large box from the grocery shop, and a carton of wine. Invite a few friends over, open the wine and get that carton box painted white. Then take the empty wine carton, rinse it out and flatten it! You'll want to glue the wine carton onto your freshly painted carton box (once it's properly dried, of course). Or you may pick an easy wine label to duplicate and get out the paintbrushes or use the paint software on your computer and get creative. Then cut out holes for your head and arms. And finally, tape a bag of purple colour liquid to the front of the box. You can always pick up some sparkling ribena, attach a tube, and go around offering free samples.

Bonnie & Clyde: For this Cool Halloween Costume for Two, a trip to the thrift shop is a great idea. Just Google for pictures of the pair, and make sure you take a few pictures of them with you when you shop.

Bonnie will want one blond wig, one black dress, a few longer, loopy necklaces and some fish-net stockings. A stretchy black headband, which can be accessorized with black sequins and white feathers, will go well with it. Put on a fake diamond ring, some high heels and see if you can find one of those old-fashioned ritzy cigarette holders.

Clyde: You need an old-fashioned suit, one black derby hat and a watch chain that gets pinned to the insides of the trouser pockets. Then add a fake moustache. And get ready for your heist.

The Crayola Crayons: This is a charming Halloween Costume for two where you're unlikely to be asked who you are. Each Crayola needs to do the following: Pick a colour - be it pink, or blue or green, or maybe yellow's your colour. Then two pairs of thick black stockings, cheap white runners, one white bed sheet, and a few cans of spray paint (black and whatever colour your Crayola is). You'll also want one box of Crayola crayons so that you can get the logo. Start by making a cone-shaped hat out of cardboard. Then cut your sheet so that it's about the size of a medium-sized towel. Now spray paint the sheets with the Crayola logo, your shoes and hat.

When you're ready to get into your Crayola costume, start with the tights. Put one pair of tights on as tights. Use the other pair for the arms. This involves cutting a hole in the tights for your head. You might then want to wear a mini-shirt or jean shorts before you put on the sheet. Now wrap the sheet around you and fasten it at the back with a few safety pins.

Then fasten your hat on with some string, put on some white socks as gloves and your newly spray-painted runners.

Happy Halloween! And enjoy your Cool Halloween Costumes for Two.

And remember, the true test of whether your couple costume is cool or not is if you get separated from your other half at the Halloween Party and people come up to you and say, "Didn't you come with...?"

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Social Development In Children - Tips For An Only Child

It is normal for your toddler to feel lonely and secluded especially if your little one is an only child. However, this should not cause any hindrance for your toddler to be socially equipped and well-rounded. Adjusting and adapting is easy as long as you expose him to various people and surroundings at an early age.

Social development in children is mainly about interacting with other kids. A child with no brother or sister is no less capable of developing good social skills than children with siblings. You can easily improve your toddler's social development by applying these tips.

Let Him Bond With Every Family Member

Family members are the first friends your little one makes. As an only child, it is essential that you encourage close association with relatives and the people at home. It is good that he has a tight relationship with you and your husband but, it is also important to let your toddler meet, sit, play and talk to his cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents. This helps boost his self-confidence. Also, it enables your toddler to develop the habit of not only commanding others but as well as accepting the dictates of the people around him.

Maximize Time In The Playground The best way to introduce social interaction to your toddler is by simply letting him play in your neighborhood's playground. In this setting, he is able to meet kids his age, make friends, care for others aside oneself and learn how to listen, share and take turns. Plus, it is also an excellent way to prepare your toddler for school so he will no longer get scared meeting other children.

Enroll Him In A Class, Camp or Workshop

Another key that can boost your toddler's social development is by introducing him to a wider scope of children. If he wants to learn how to the piano play, enroll him in a piano class. If he likes to swim, sign him up in a swimming class. During summer time, a summer camp is a great way to hone his skills and meet other toddlers. Doing something he loves helps him easily converse and make friends with others. Being a member of some activity will help to a large extent for your child to learn to live in society.

Coach Your Toddler

Talk to your toddler why friendship skills are important. Make sure he shows you how he interacts with others to ensure he does it correctly. Or, go to a public place together where a lot of children are present. Let him observe other toddlers use the skill. Once he sees the skills in action as well as the positive feedbacks it gets, the more likely he will try it on his own.

Play With Your Child

Studies have shown that parent-child play helps boost a toddler's social growth. While it is good to expose your toddler to other children, it is also equally important for him to play with his parents. He learns a great deal just by playing with you, social skills are advanced allowing him to easily adjust with his peers. Reserve a few hours in a day to play with your toddler in a child-like way. Smile and laugh a lot. Squeal with excitement. Do not criticize him. Instead of being directive, be responsive.

Being an only child is not an excuse for having poor social development. Expose your toddler to various environments and let him mingle with different kinds of people to boost his self-esteem making him capable no matter where he is or who he meets.

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Home Remedies For Dry Scalp

Remedies for dry scalp are available from your dermatologist, over the counter at the drugstore and in your kitchen cabinet. Dry scalp can be caused by a number of factors but are generally the same things that affect the rest of your skin both environmental and dietary. We are quite good about treating our dry skin with moisturizers and body oils, but because the skin of our scalp is under our hair we sometimes forget that it is subject to the same drying conditions as the rest of our dermal layer. Luckily there are a number of inexpensive home remedies that can help you deal with this problem.

There are two basic remedies for dry scalp: massage and moisturizer. Massage will improve circulation and that in turn will help your scalp produce more of the natural oils that not only keep the skin from getting too dry, but also make for shiny, healthy hair. Once you have dealt with existing dryness, a 5 minute head massage once a week can go a great ways towards insuring that your scalp restores a level of healthy oil production, preventing the dry scalp from reoccurring.

There are many different home remedies for dry scalp, and which one you choose will be mostly up to personal taste and the time you have to devote to treatment. The process for these home remedies is the same, no matter what the recipe - Massage the mixture into your scalp for 2 to 3 minutes and then wrap your head in plastic wrap and a towel for an additional 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cool water (for at least 1 minute) and then shampoo as normal. Two of the most effective recipes are 1) Mix together " cup olive oil and 10 finely crushed aspirin, apply to scalp - and 2) Simmer 12 tablespoons of oatmeal in 6 cups boiling water for 1 hour, strain oatmeal reserving water, add rosemary oil to oat water and apply to scalp.

Some of the most common causes of a dry scalp are the weather, allergies, air conditioners and irritants found in your shampoos and styling products. You may want to think about swapping your shampoos and styling products to ones that exclude harsh chemicals. A combination of massage, moisturizing and easy to make home remedies for dry scalp will ensure the restoration of your natural oils thus liberating you from the dryness and irritation you may be suffering with.

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Vail Enclosed Bed Systems

Vail enclosed bed systems are canopy-like padded beds with a padded mesh dome that fits over and encloses the beds. They are used in home-care and clinical situations as an alternative to drugging or restraining patients with seizures, spasms, cognitive impairments, or unpredictable behavior that may lead them to fall from their bed or wander.

On March 22, 2005,however, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered U.S. Marshals to seize hospital beds manufactured by Vail Products, Inc. because they posed a significant risk to consumers and did not meet the Quality System regulations of the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The Marshals have also seized bed systems and components in the manufacturing and distribution phase, as well as labeling and promotional materials.

On June 16, 2005, the Toledo, Ohio manufacturer publicly announced that it would discontinue manufacturing, selling and distributing all of its enclosed bed systems, and would no longer provide replacement parts, retrofit kits, or accessories. At least 30 patients had suffocated when becoming trapped between the mattress and the bed’s railing or had fallen from the beds, often resulting in brain damage and at least eight deaths. Most of these incidents involved children sixteen years of age or younger.

A week later, Vail mailed warning labels and revised instruction manuals for its 500, 1000, and 2000 models and, on June 30, 2005, it initiated a recall of approximately 5,000 of the canopied or enclosed bed systems.

The FDA had twice previously warned Vail Products, Inc. that they were engaging in unacceptable practices. They pointed out that the enclosed bed systems posed a health danger even when used as prescribed, and that there were inadequate warnings and directions for use. Vail then failed to take corrective actions after having been given an opportunity to do so. They also failed to provide the FDA with information and materials required by Reports of Corrections and Removals and Medical Device Reporting regulations.

If your loved one has suffered an injury or death you suspect was as a result of using a Vail enclosed bed system, you should contact an experienced product liability attorney to assess your case and help you determine if you are entitled to compensation. You can identify the Vail 500, 1000, and 2000 models of the enclosed bed systems by the model number found on the label, which is on the front of the bed or on one of the legs.

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The Secret to Finding the Warmest and Best Blankets For Your Home

Unfortunately it is winter time again and with winter comes cold air and cold houses. Sure most of us are lucky enough to have heated homes but sometimes the ruler of the home gets to set the heat at his/her preference leaving us cold blooded folks still cold. In order to warm up, it would be smart to wear more clothing or find a suitable blanket to do the job.

At nights when you are trying to stay warm in your bed, there are some blankets that just work better at keeping you warmer than others. Here are a few words about blankets and what to look in ones that will do the best job in keeping you warm in a cold house.

There are many different brands, styles, and designs of blankets that you can use to keep your body warm. Most homes have a variety of different blankets that you can use depending on your comfort level. In my home, we have lighter blankets that we use in the summer months and heavier blankets for use in the winter. Electric blankets are also a nice addition to your bed that you can use to keep you warm as well. In my honest opinion, it is best to have a whole bunch of different blankets to choose from, especially if your house is occupied by a good number of family and friends.

When choosing blankets for your home, you'll first want to consider the different materials that the blankets are made out of. The two main categories of fabric are natural and synthetic.

Natural fiber blankets to me are the most comfortable and best choice. Of course since these blankets are made of real materials that last longer and keep you warmer, they will cost more as well. You can buy them standard in cotton, wool, and even down. These materials are breathable, wash easily, and will last a long time.

The down material may not be as easy to wash but uses a material from under the feathers of ducks and geese that keeps them warm. So it should come as no surprise that the down blankets are going to a great job in keeping your warm as well.

Some people find that the synthetic materials are better blankets for them because they are hypoallergenic, cheaper, and are just as soft. The only negatives of using a blanket made out of synthetic materials are that they don't breathe as well and won't last near as long.

Be a wise shopper and choose the best blanket for you and your family. Check online for price specials and packages of blankets that come as sets. You may be surprised at just how easy it is to find the right blanket online without even having t leave the comfort of your own home.

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Boys Bedroom Ideas - Design Tips for Kids Bedrooms

As a professional interior designer, and one who specializes in kid's bedroom design (it is the most rewarding and fun!), I think that one of the most important elements in the initial design of a little boy's bedroom, is to include your son in the process as much as possible. When they are a little older, it's great to sit and have a quick discussion on what they envision their new bedroom will look like. Although the details covered in this process are largely dependent on your child's age, by the age of three, most children will already have formed some preferences as to what colors they like best, and some will have a specific theme in mind. Another way to start is by having them look at some of the photos of the kid's bedding that is available online, and have them point out several styles that appeal to them right away.

Many little boys do seem to like bright and bold primary colors and Disney action figures, but there are those that dream of pirates, dinosaurs, construction themes, cars, trains, planes, or western themes. Children's bedding can be purchased by 'bed in a bag sets', where everything is included. These sets are often very economically priced, and a good option when you consider that they may have another bedroom design change in several years.

A useful tip, and one that I highly recommend, is to purchase the bedding prior to painting the room. It works best to bring the quilt or comforter, shams, etc. into the paint store with you to ensure you get the perfect "match" on color or tone. For instance, if there is a grey-blue color in the bedding set, you may want to tone the paint color down a few shades for the walls. I always bring the paint samples home prior to purchasing the paint, just to see how the actual lighting in the room, effects the color. I take about 10 paint samples and tape them to the wall, leaving them there for a day or so, as to avoid making a decision too quickly. Day and evening light can have an impact on your color choice.

Artwork is fun to incorporate into a child's room as well. There is lots of artwork available for little boy's rooms that can be purchased online. Another option, is to simply find a photo resource website, save and print the image, and purchase simple frames to put them in. I did this for my own children, and was very happy with the outcome. Again, here is another fun way to include your child in the design process. If they are looking for cowboys, horses, trains or cars, simply type this in, and there are hundreds of options to choose from. Vector images are great for cartoon type characters. If you are handy with Adobe Photoshop or a similar program, you can change colors in the images, add text (such as their name or inspiring quote), or put a collage together using several photos. I usually purchase the frames from Ikea, and sometimes paint the frames to match a color in the bedding or image.

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Music Therapy for Baby

Recently, we can often hear both from pediatricians and psychologists about benefits of listening to music for babies. Of course, it is not surprising at all, as already our grannies sang songs to babies, to calm them down. Are there any medical researches on this subject?

Excursus to history

THE ANCIENTS were the first who noticed a beneficial effect of music both on soul and body. They treated neural-mental illnesses with music, and tried to use it as anaesthetic in Middle Ages... But all these experiments were carried out with adults.

In the beginning of 20th century scientists already could see that it was curative for babies to listen to classical music and lullabies, that music not only develops children, but also makes them healthier.
Scientists decided to find scientific grounds of music therapy. And the first patients, who received treatment with music, were prematurely born babies.

What the researches showed

AS a rule, if a baby suffered from lack of oxygen during his prenatal development, no matter whether he is premature or not, his activity of cell ferments is lowered. After listening to classical music, activity of babies' cell ferments rose. A cytochemical analysis showed this. They also took babies' blood pressure, pulse, rhythm of breathing. And they always observed a classical reaction of adaptation: organism adjusted itself to environment and felt better.

Well, may be, children react this way to any sound irritant - alarm-clock ticking, conversation? May be, harmony and melody have nothing to do with it?

Researchers switched on a metronome for babies, which beat out a slow rhythm at a calm music pace. Babies behaved rather well: calmed down and fell asleep. But cytochemical analysis registered objectively: on the background of metronome working, an oppression of ferments took place in cells.

By the way, this is a proof of the fact that rock music with pronounced pulsatile rhythm is harmful for small babies.

When parents were going to take away their babies from hospital, doctors recommended them to continue carrying out music therapy procedures at home, along with massage, special gymnastics and exercises in water. Parents treated such advices in different ways, some of them switched on music for their babies, some of them did not.

But when a year later all these babies passed a checkup, interesting facts were discovered. Babies, who were constantly listening to classical music, coped better with neurologic defects, than the ones, whose parents did not believe in a healing power of music therapy. This way a reliable statistics appeared.

Which music should babies listen to?

EXCITABLE, fidget children should listen to melodies at a slow pace - "adagio", "andante". As a rule, second parts of classical sonatas and instrumental concerts have such pace. German scientists worked out main scientific literature on this subject, and German and Viennese classical music prevailed in their programs: Mozart, Schubert, Haydn... Later they added Vivaldi and Tchaikovski...

For example, this can be a second part of a "Short nocturnal serenade" by Mozart, "Winter" from "Seasons" by Vivaldi, a duet of Lisa and Polina from Tchaikovski's opera "Queen of spades", lullabies.

A melody with words influences babies stronger, than a melody without words. And live singing is stronger, than instrumental performance recorded on CD. A language of singing does not matter, new-born babies can gladly listen to, for example, a lullaby by Brahms or Christmas motets in German language.

And babies, suffering from syndrome of distress, who nurse badly and sometimes even breathe spasmodically, should listen to musical compositions at "allegro" and "allegro moderato" pace by Mozart, Schubert, Haydn... For example: waltzes from Tchaikovski's ballets "On troika" from his "Seasons", "Spring" from Vivaldi's "Seasons", and also martial music.

Music therapy procedures are also of benefit for healthy, normally developing children. They also should be calmed down or, on the contrary, emboldened sometimes. This can be done with the help of relaxing or energetic music.
On no account, put on ear-phones on your baby. Our ears are adjusted to diffused sound by nature. Immature brain can receive an acoustic trauma because of directed sound.

Music therapy is contra-indicated to:

Babies with predisposition to fits.

Babies in a serious condition, which is accompanied by organism intoxication.

Babies suffering from otitis.

Babies, whose intracranial pressure increases sharply.

Rest on a cellular level

NOW parents have large selection of remedies - they can buy CD-discs with classical music in traditional performance. Or discs with classical music, arranged especially for babies. This music is accompanied by hand bells. Some may like such arrangement, other may not. You should see yourself your baby's reaction.

You can also buy CD-records of classical music on the background of sounds of nature - rote, sound of rain, murmur of the forest...
Listen to music together with your baby and relax, as restless babies' mothers just need a good rest, on a cellular level.

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8 Essential Ways To Lower Cortisol And Feel Great!

What is Cortisol?

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone that is secreted by the 2 cap-sized glands that are located on top of your kidneys in response to stress. It has been described as a low-grade adrenaline.

Mother nature equipped us with this hormone to assist us in situations where we had to "fight-or-flight" such as running from a lion or other predator. Its job is to quickly convert stored energy sources in the body into usable energy to save your life. This is one of its good points. In the old days, there weren't too many situations in which we were triggered into a fight-or-flight situation. Today, however, stress responses are everywhere. We as a society are constantly stressing out over bills, going to work, relationships, poor food choices, dehydration, overtraining with exercise, lack of adequate sleep, and those are just for starters! Every time the body becomes stressed, cortisol is released from the adrenal glands to combat the stressors on the chemical side.

This chronic elevation in cortisol is extremely detrimental to your health. It has been linked to, but not limited to, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, heart disease, excessive blood sugar levels, elevated cholesterol, and pretty much anything else you can think of that stress can create in the human body.

Other unwanted side effects of chronically elevated cortisol levels include excess bodyfat, particularly around the midsection, and depressed sex hormone levels, which kills the sex drive in both men and women. It also breaks down muscle tissue, which can really put a hold on your results in the gym.

Cortisol is naturally secreted in the body on a pretty set schedule throughout the day. It peaks at about 8am to get you out of bed and ready to start your day. Throughout the day, cortisol levels begin to drop off and reach their lowest at about 8-10 pm so that you can fall asleep. A cortisol rhythm that is disrupted by chronic stress, both mentally and physically, can impair your ability to fall asleep or even stay asleep.

I have been able to assist many of my clients improve their sleep consistency and quality simply by cutting their stress levels down, and using the tips that I am about to give you. The following tips will assist you in decreasing your cortisol levels and allow you to improve your health and achieve your ideal body.

Ways to Reduce your Cortisol:

1. Use cortisol reduction supplements: I use a variety of herbs in my clinic to reduce cortisol at peak times. Some of my favorites include: ashwaghanda, phosphatidylserine, and rhodiola rosea.

2. Eat at regular intervals throughout the day: Avoid skipping meals, as this will create a cortisol release.

3. Eat right for your Metabolic Type: Excessive carbohydrate intake creates cortisol release in response to constantly elevated insulin levels. Find out your metabolic type and eat consistently with it.

4. Utilize stress reduction techniques at peak cortisol times: Neuro-linguistic Programming, meditation, self-hypnosis, or simply lying on the floor doing belly breathing for 10-15 minutes can work wonders at reducing stress and thus cortisol levels.

5. Get to bed on time: Get to bed by 10:30 pm at the latest.

6. Avoid stimulants: Stay away from energy drinks that contain ephedra-like compounds and caffeine. Stimulants shift the body into sympathetic dominance, ie. "fight or flight". Stimulants can also disrupt your sleeping patterns. If you must have your daily coffee, be sure that you do not drink any after 12 noon.

7. Keep your workouts under 1 hour: At the 1 hour mark, your testosterone levels begin to decline and cortisol levels rise. Forty-five minute workouts are even better.

8. Do not overtrain: Strength coach Charles Poliquin recommends not training more than 2 days in a row. Doing so will simply overtax the hormonal system and therefore increase cortisol levels. Listen to your body. If you do not feel recovered from your previous workout, simply take an extra day off or reduce the number of sets you perform in your workout.

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Funny Sayings- Simply Bad Life Tips

Do you ever ask yourself why did I get out of bed today? Is this all there is to life? And where the hack I left my car keys?

Don't despair; it's not too late to turn your life around! Well, unless you are really old (like 30); in that case I suggest alcohol. If you are still a useful member society (under 30), I gathered some life tips that without a doubt change your life in such a deep and profound way, you won't even notice!

So with all that said and down, now it's time to seat down, lean back, open your mind, scratch your tummy, cluck like a chicken and read this pearls of wisdom:

1. Every morning smile to your mirror, but why stop there? Smile to your kitchen table, to your living room sofa and to your iron board. Beware, don't smile to your dishwasher it may take it as provocation.

2. Always put your smile on. People will assume you are a crazy person and won't mess with you.

3. Be kind to others, send me money.

4. Live every day like it is your last.Crawl into a corner and cry.

5. Live every day to the fullest. When going to the bathroom take a newspaper!

6. Drinking is not a solution, unless we are talking about alcohol.

7. Better to give, than to receive (true only on case of infections).

8. Clothes don't make the man, but being naked will get you arrested.

9. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, put all of then in the fridge they will last longer.

10. Remember everybody makes mistakes, and you will have the opportunity to laugh on them.

11. Always follow your dreams; just be sure to check that Pamela Anderson is also on board.

12. Give a man a fish and he might take it the wrong way...

13. Honesty is the best policy, at least that what Pamela always telling me.

14. Time is money. Stop reading stupid articles!

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Hospital Beds For Home Use

So the doctor says you or a loved one needs a hospital bed at home. "No problem," you say to yourself, "I'll just go online and buy one." And then it happens...you become overwhelmed with the choices. And the more features you need the bed to have, the more confusing it gets.

But before you begin looking for that perfect bed, here are a few basics you need to know before you get started:

Hospital Bed or Home Care Bed:

A true hospital bed is just like the ones you see in the hospital. They have a lot of complex features and can cost up to tens of thousands of dollars. However, you may need a bed just like this. And in that case, a great choice is a refurbished unit. Hill-Rom is the gold standard for hospital beds and you can get a refurbished one for under $3000. But each model has unique features suited for different needs.

Now if you do need a traditional hospital bed, you need to consider where it will be in your home. These units are quite large and often won't fit through doors or make it around tight corners. Some units are not recommended to be used in an upstairs room due to the above average weight.

But if you just need something with rails that has head and foot elevation capabilities, a home care bed is your perfect choice. These beds have the "look" of a traditional bed. Invacare is a popular choice for home care beds.

Electric or Manual:

Here's another decision you'll need to make. An electric version is much easier to use. The bed will raise and lower at a touch of a button. But of course the electric models are more expensive. So if you need to save money, a manual bed may be a good choice. But be careful...the caregiver will need to be able to manually crank the bed to raise and lower it. And if you still can't decide, there are semi-electric versions available as well.

Mattress and Rails:

Some beds come with a mattress and rails and some don't. This is something you need to be aware of with respect to your budget. Now if the bed does not come with a mattress, you'll have the opportunity to choose the type of mattress you want.

Air and foam types are most popular. In fact, some of the pricier mattresses can actually help in the prevention of bed sores.

There may be several more things to consider but so many of that depends on your particular situation. The best way to handle having to purchase a hospital bed for home use is to speak with an expert. That way, an expert can identify your particular needs and find the perfect bed for your needs.

It's too easy to buy the wrong type of bed without help. Don't do it on your own. Get help and get the right bed.

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How to Build a Trebuchet

Okay, so you want build your first trebuchet. This site will have tips and tricks of the trade. Okay, let's get to business.

The first question you will need to ask yourself is whether you want to build a "historically accurate" traction trebuchet, or it's simpler and easier to design and build cousin, the counterweight trebuchet.

If you're building a trebuchet for the sole purpose of your high school physics teacher's amusement, then you should probably consider one of the counterweight variety. If, on the other hand, you are building a trebuchet for fun or self education, the traction trebuchet may be something to seriously consider. (Keep in mind that at least three-fourths of the "free" plans on the web are of the counterweight flavor.)

Once you have determined your design plan, you probably want to decide on a suitable size. If your looking to launch bowling balls the length of a football field, you will want a much larger trebuchet than if your intending to launch eggs at incoming traffic. Which, of course, is a BAD thing to do. (Based on personal experience most drivers won't enjoy chipping dried egg off their windshield.) Another point of interest is whether or not to buy premade trebuchet kits or design plans for your trebuchet. If you are just a beginner, kits are excellent to use. Plans also will help you out immensely if you are just a beginner.

Now, the next step is construction of your trebuchet. For most people, I would suggest using 1"x2" pine for all of the pieces. But, if your going to be building a 10ft tall trebuchet, stretch for the 2x4's. Once you have completed your trebuchet structure-wise, you will need to construct a sling and if used, a suitable counterweight. I prefer cutting up any kind of old cloth and attaching both ends to lengths of string.

Suitable counterweights can be anything from a box/bottle full of lead shot, to a sock full of rocks, or a dumbbell weight. After you have all of that stuff sorted out, you should attach the trigger mechanism and release pin. There are plans and pictures of these on most sites, but the only advice I can give you is that the release pin is the trickiest part of constructing a trebuchet. It should be angled so that the sling releases the projectile at an angle of somewhere around 45 degrees.

Final word: Building a trebuchet can be lots of fun and be a great learning experience. (Or sometimes an unbelievable chore for those unlucky physics students such as myself). Construct your trebuchet with quality and take care to add support where needed and it will last you a long time.

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Try These 7 Proven Remedies for Relieving Indigestion & Heartburn

Who hasn't bolted upright in the night, awakened by a sudden and
terrible burning sensation in the pit of their stomach? Whether
you indulged in some overly spicy chili, or overdid it on those
late-night leftovers, these quick heartburn remedies will soothe
your fiery stomach and help you get back to sleep!

1. The first thing you'll want to do when you're awakened by
heartburn pain, is to stand up. This helps keep the acid at bay
while you go and get a full glass of cool water.

2. Drink the whole glass of water, and follow it with a mixture
of 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and half a glass of water. Be
careful though, if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant,
this can cause water retention or increase your blood pressure.

3. DON'T drink milk or suck on mints to relieve heartburn. Milk
might feel nice and cool going down, but it actually contains
fats and proteins that cause your stomach to secrete MORE acid
and make your heartburn worse! Mints, while they may feel
soothing, actually relax the small valve between your esophagus
and stomach, whose purpose it is to actually KEEP acid at bay!
When this valve is relaxed, more acid can seep up and aggravate
heartburn symptoms!

4. This is going to sound strange, but downing a teaspoon of
vinegar can help soothe heartburn immediately! Why give your
stomach MORE acid when it already seems to have enough, you ask?
Sometimes, heartburn is caused as a result of too little acid,
and vinegar helps quell indigestion by giving your stomach a
little extra "juice" (no pun intended!) to do its job!

5. Certain foods can cause nighttime heartburn, including: soda
pop or beverages with caffeine (which you shouldn't be drinking
before bed anyway!), alcohol, garlic, chocolate (sorry!), citrus
fruits, tomatoes and tomato-based products. Avoiding these types
of food can help ease your indigestion if you frequently find
yourself awakened with that intolerable burning!

6. Eating a banana each day works like an antacid to soothe
heartburn. If you're already stricken with indigestion, eating
pineapple or papaya (or drinking the juice) can help settle your
stomach naturally. Some people also claim that eating a teaspoon
of mustard (yuck!) can work immediately.

7. Avoid eating at least two hours before you go to sleep. Those
late night snacks can keep your stomach busy all night and
prevent you from easing into a deep, restful sleep. You may also
find that sleeping on your left side or sleeping at a somewhat
upright angle can keep acid down where it belongs.

If you are awakened by heartburn on a regular basis, or the pain
is severe, or if you have heartburn with vomiting, you'll want to
consult your doctor immediately as it may be a sign of a more
serious condition such as an ulcer. Above all, avoid spicy,
fatty and caffeine-containing foods before bed, and you should be
able to drift off to sleep easily.

Sweet dreams!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

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Bedding For Kids - Trends and What the Future Holds For Kids Bedding

Bedding for kids today has evolved over the years to be more of an item of decoration for kids rooms and beds. Manufacturers of kids bedding have listened to and paid attention to the demand of their customers and what parents want when it comes to childrens bedding. It has become a style accessory and is focused around what children love best. Today you can find duvet covers for kids, curtains, nursery blankets, room decor, lamps and just about anything to complete your kids room in any theme desired. You used to be able to just find basic themes such as cars, dinosaurs or fairies and flowers. Now there is a whole new world of themes available to match any personality and really create a wonderful room of comfort and desire.

You will find that most bedding for kids today is made of 50% cotton and 50% polyester. This is due to the fact that it can help keep the costs down for the consumers. Although you can still find high quality 100% cotton kids bedding as well that will last for many years to come that is also affordable. When it comes to kids bedding it is just as important to find bedding that is comfortable as well as affordable.

The Current Era of Bedding for kids

At this present time you will find that TV characters dominate the world of childrens bedding themes. You can find everything from SpongeBob, to Dora, to Spiderman, to Alvin and the Chipmunks. These TV and movie characters are among the best selling and you can find them just about anywhere. For those of you who don't want your kids room overtaken by TV or movie characters there are also a lot of really great high quality childrens bedding themes that are elegant, classic and fun.

The Future of Bedding for kids

This brings us to what the future holds for themes and styles in kids bedding. Manufacturers are more likely to cut back on production lines due to fear of them not being a success. While this is a sensible business choice many a child will still be hoping to see their favorite new character while shopping for bedding. Do not fret as this is not to say that future world of childrens bedding will be a dull place as there are many themes that are rejuvenated into new designs, colors and styles.

For those of you who believe that TV and Movie characters should stay on the the TV and out of your childrens bedrooms as to not crowd out their imaginations the future is bright as well. There is a very exciting future for bedding for kids that is imaginative, modern, stylish and that will compliment your child's inner world.

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Techniques For Decorating Small Bedrooms

You want your bedroom to be a room for getting away from it all so your decorating style is key. But how can you make a small bedroom be big on style? Lucky for you, there are different tricks you are able to use to make decorating small bedrooms a big success!

First off, be sure to decorate in keeping with the size of your space. A lot of clutter makes even the largest of bedrooms appear cramped, and cluttering up an already small room ought to be avoided.

Use furniture sparingly and select smaller pieces. Making use of a queen or full bed, in place of king size, might make a lot of difference in space, but still allow for a good nights sleep. Regardless you don't have to use all small accessories and furniture in your bedroom, selecting some larger accessories will add appealing charm to the room, so though you might decide to use the smaller bed and bureaus, have a large amount of pillows- it is able to make the room feel larger as well as add interest and appeal.

Another factor to work on when trying to make your small bedroom feel less small is the color palette. A lot of people think that you have got to just use light tones in small rooms, although there is essentially more to it than that. You can have color while still making the bedroom feel bigger by pairing colors that reflect identical intensity, or using a monochromatic color scheme. For a scheme that is more colorful think about bright yellows and oranges that all have an equal tone or to achieve a calm and peaceful interior design style choose a monochromatic decorating theme of warm browns. To add depth, plan for painting an opposing wall a deep color - this makes it seem further away plus adds an enjoyable style. For wall tones, pale shades such as blue gray will create an overall more spacious look as they make the walls appear to recede. But if that sounds overly drab, don't despair cool colors such as greens, blues and purples also recede so you can have your gorgeous shades without making the room appear small sized.

When decorating small bedrooms you must also be aware of things like furniture placement. Making use of the ideas of Feng Shui in your bedroom serves to help bring harmony to your home. Making sure doors are clear of furniture could help make it appear more open. This is sure to also highlight a bigger piece such as a bureau or cheval mirror.

Think of accessories and furniture you might include in your decorating theme that will help to make good use of space in the bedroom. A sleek minimalist style can be best as this de-emphasizes clutter and tends to emphasize space. Seeing as this is your get away room you ought to be certain to choose a design approach you enjoy.

When you try certain tried and true approaches decorating small bedrooms can be easy. So sharpen your imagination and go make your small bedroom seem large on charm!

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Decorating Your Teens Bedroom

When your kid gets to be a teenager, that little kids furniture and bedroom décor just won't do. Your teen wants a cool new look, and here's how you can get it.

First of all, don't toss out that old bedroom furniture yet. Unless the furniture is totally banged up and broken, you may be able to give it a cool new look with some paint and new knobs. Before you start on that, however, you need to figure out the theme of your teen bedroom design.

Todays hot new looks are centered around retro, modern or "cool" designs. Teens actually have pretty good design sense (probably from watching so much TV!) and you can design a really neat room just by adding some new accents. Of course, your teen may need a new desk to do their home work at if the old one no longer works but you can give the old furniture a new look as mentioned above.

Luckily, you don't have to spend a lot on accents for your teenagers room. Most of the discount department stores like Target offer hip furnishings and accents at discount prices. You can buy inexpensive shelves, or build them yourself, and use it for them to put all their stuff that might normally be thrown on the floor. This will help the room look neat and reduce the clutter.

You can give your teens bedroom a fun but sophisticated look by painting the room in a "cool" color like chocolate, sage or purple and using accents to as focal points. A flokati or rag rug will lend a sophisticated air and you can even put the down as area rugs on top of wall to wall carpeting to give the floor a whole new look. Replace the kids ruffled or theme curtains with tab topped curtains in a denim or canvas for a more adult look.

Bedding for you teen can be plain, or funky - whatever goes with the room. Depending on your teens taste, a neutral colored bed set with nicely textured fabrics like silks or a velvet duvet can add interest with out being too flashy. Or if you want to make the bed a focal point, how about an animal print set or something in bright colors like hot pink and orange?

Accents are where you add interest and give the room personality. Some fun accents include chairs shaped like a giant shoe, faux fur covered lamps in wild colors, bean bag chairs of all types, phones in all shapes and sizes, funky accent pillows, rugs and wall art.

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