Children's Greed

Children are an amazing bunch regardless of their up bringing but there is a particular bunch that is quite unique. Greedy children. In most cases the greed can be brought about by a number of issues that mainly manifest when the person is an adult but in other cases it is simply as a result of poor upbringing on the part of the parents. Greedy children do however have a positive side to them and the one that comes to mind instantly is that they are quite amusing and entertaining.

Greedy children will eat anything under the sun as long as it is smaller than they are and does not bite back. This makes them a good source of comedy especially at parties and other social occasions. The child will eat anything and everything within sight to the embarrassment of the parents and to the amusement of he other party goers.

The jokes however come to an end when this child approaches you with sticky fingers ready to attack you and your plate full force. At this point the humor is totally gone and is replaced by feelings of fear and dread. Greedy children are quite the interesting bunch and at the end of the day they are simply adorable whether you are friend, foe or the obstruction from the buffet table.

For such a child to be controlled is fairly easy but it will take a lot of will power on the part of the parents although playing dead at such trying times is always an option. To totally circumvent these behavioral issues it is important for the parents to teach the children good manners from the onset to avoid having to deal with greed later on in life. Children are truly a gift and every single thing they do is to be marveled at and enjoyed.

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