When Children Suffer Sweating While Sleeping
If your child suffers from perspiring when he or she sleeps, the first thing to do is not panic. There are many natural and environmental reasons a child might perspire while sleeping. You should also discuss the matter with your doctor before you jump to conclusions or take any advice from online sources.
In this article, however, I will discuss three common medical reasons a child might suffer from sweating while sleeping. This isn't intended to replace a visit to your child's doctor; this is just to help you be more informed.
Tuberculosis Causes Sweating While Sleeping
While any infection or fever can cause children to suffer from sleep hyperhidrosis, one of the most common causes of severe, drenching perspiration in children and adults alike is tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis most often affects the lungs and may reduce a child's overall immune system, making him or her even more susceptible to other night perspiration triggering infections.
Hyperthyroidism Causes Sweating While Sleeping
If your son or daughter's small body is creating too a high a volume of thyroid hormones, than he or she may be suffering from hyperthyroidism. In addition to night sweating, symptoms of hyperthyroidism include unexplained weight loss and distinct lethargy. As always, if you suspect that your child may be suffering from this condition, please consult with your pediatrician.
Diabetes Causes Sweating While Sleeping
While I again encourage to not jump to conclusions, if your child is suffering from a very distinct, drenching night sweat, one disease you may consider is diabetes. Sweating at night is a common symptom of someone suffering from untreated or undiagnosed diabetes.
Infections Cause Perspiring At Night
Easily the most common among causes of sweating while sleeping in children are infections. Anytime your child's body attempts to fight off an infection by raising its core temperature and creating a fever, your child will likely suffer some degree of sweating at night.
This is because at the same time that his or her immune system is raising the body's core temperature to fight off the infection, the body's hypothalamus is trying to keep the body from overheating by triggering the sweat glands to cool it. This back and forth can escalate the body's perspiration to the point of drenching night sweats.
The most common sweat-causing infections in children tend to be sinus infections, strep throat, bronchitis or pneumonia. But sometimes even a bad cold can cause sleep hyperhidrosis.
Keep in mind that a majority of sweating while sleeping cases have an innocent trigger at their origin. So do not panic at the first sign of excessive sweating during the night. But it also behooves all parents to be empowered with greater knowledge and understanding of all the conditions that could affect the health and vitality of their children.
Do not assume your child has tuberculosis or diabetes, but do not assume he or she doesn't have them either. I hope this article helps you, but always discuss these matters with a qualified medical professional before treating your child, but stay informed to stay empowered.
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