Bunk Beds - A Soldier Bed No More
When one hears the word "Bunk Bed" the immediate thing that comes into mind is the two story bed which is prevalently used in army barracks. The simple Spartan design speaks little of its aesthetic potential. For years it was known as "soldier's bed" which is painted with dull colors and sparsely embellished. Yet, a bunk bed serves it purpose - it can accommodate two persons in a space that only fit a single bed. As such it considered as an effective space saver and a viable solution to space problem which is prevalent in modern homes.
Bunk beds can easily re-invented just the way other kind of furniture designs were re-introduced into modern homes. It can be designed stylishly as a children bed. In doing so, its frame should be strengthened and its ladder reinforced in order that it can carry heavy weights. To make it safe, side bars should be installed to ensure that children using the upper deck will not roll over. In addition, it should be built with a smooth and polished finish to prevent accidental cuts and bruises when children use it.
A modern design for the bunk bed will change how homeowners will look at it. With the right design, it will cease to be known as simply a "soldier's bed" but a stylish and functional bedroom furniture. It can be safe and durable second bed for children who want to stay in the same room. It can also be an instant bed for overnight guests in lieu of a guest room.
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