How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 5-6 Year Old Children
Taking care of children ages 5-6 can be the most fun, amazing, confusing, and difficult time of your life. Children of this age are stuck somewhere in between a pre-schooler and a school-aged child. They still need help with some things, but are completely self sufficient with others. Most children of this age are starting kindergarten and may be away from their parents for the first time in their lives. Everything is new and things are quickly changing during this age.
Some parents are shocked to see that their once calm and collected toddler has now become a difficult 5-6 year old. Parents become stressed and do not know how to handle this behavior. There are many things that parents can do to handle the difficult behavior of a 5-6 year old.
First, they should learn the setting in which the child is becoming difficult. Are they refusing a nap/rest time? Do they not share with their peers? Is bedtime a struggle? No matter what the situation that is making the child difficult, it is important to zone in the setting. This will help with problem solving.
Once you know at what time the child is being difficult, parents should then learn how to discipline. Some parents believe spanking is best and some believe in instituting a time-out. Other parents take away privileges when the child is being difficult. Quite honestly, all these strategies mentioned above are ineffective discipline techniques.
The last thing to remember is to listen to the child and give them undivided attention. Children between the ages of 5-6 have a lot of changes and may need some extra attention and love. Parents should remember to be consistent and definitely do not give up!
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